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Bridging Remote and On-Site Teams: Communication Strategies for Hybrid Financial Workplaces

The COVID-19 pandemic forced a gigantic remote work experiment across global industries. As finance firms transition to post-pandemic operations, most are adopting a “hybrid” model combining on-site and remote workers. The hybrid approach aspires to “get the best of both worlds”. Employees gain location flexibility while firms retain physical offices and in-person collaboration.

Building blocks of success: Creating a finance team structure that works

Having an effectively managed finance department is one of the most important aspects of the intricate world of business management. The people who make up your finance team are crucial for compliance, strategy development, and preserving stable financial circumstances. Whether you work for a small business or a major organization, this is true. This article covers several subjects, including the need to provide your financial team with a sound structure.

7 cutting-edge tools for financial advisors

Financial professionals rely on financial planning tools and software to work efficiently and accurately. Some of these tools are as old as the PC itself, while a new generation of financial services tools is also competing for your attention. But with so many of these tools offering wide-ranging, overlapping feature sets, choosing the right mix of tools is a time-consuming process for investment advisors.

Project management for financial services: A comprehensive guide

Finance is a funny thing, isn’t it? On the one hand, the industry boasts some of the largest, most well-funded businesses in the U.S., U.K., and the world. Transactions so large that the average person can’t comprehend are the norm. But, on the other hand, day-to-day life at companies in the industry includes many challenges familiar to those in less lofty professions.

The effective guide to project management in banking: Best practices and tools

Jack Welch wasn’t a banker. So what can Jack Welch — as successful as he was at GE — teach us about project management in banking? Plenty. Project management in banking has its fair share of complexities and challenges other industries don’t share — and we’ll get into those in this post. But even though the specifics can vary quite a bit, the core or soul of good project management is built on the same principles no matter the industry or context.

The 5 Financial Metrics Top Agencies Get Right w/ Ryan Watson

What’s one mistake you’ve made as an agency leader you’ll never forget? Several guests on this show have shared the same exact answer: “I wish I’d invested in my own financial literacy sooner!” But, what financial metrics should you focus on the most? Even if you answer that question—how do you (and your team) impact those financial metrics that matter most for your agency?

10 Essential Time Management Tools Every Finance Manager Needs

Are you tired of spending countless hours juggling tasks? Feeling overwhelmed by your ever-growing to-do list? If yes, then you’re not alone This statistic is an eye-opener for finance managers to manage their time and boost productivity proactively. However, there’s good news on the horizon. The rapidly evolving technology landscape has brought forth various innovative tools tailored specifically for finance managers to conquer time-related challenges.

Project financial management: Tips and tricks to increase agency profitability

According to SBO Financial and the rule of thirds, marketing agencies should be hitting around 30% net profit. But, as any agency owner will tell you, hitting this benchmark is harder than you might think. It involves forecasting, keeping a lid on project costs, managing billable hours, translating financial data, and countless other things. Proactive project financial management sets agencies on the right track to protect their bottom lines.