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Four Ways Video is Changing the Customer Support Landscape

Ask most people to describe a customer service interaction, and they’ll likely give examples of telephone calls, emails, or maybe even text-based chat. The image of call centers staffed with cheerful agents wearing headsets while multi-tasking between chats, emails, and phone calls have come to symbolize a typical customer service program for many. Not surprisingly – these technologies have dominated the field for decades.

How a mortgage company utilizes the conversations feature on OneDesk

As companies and teams become more and more distributed, communication only becomes more important. For organizations that deal with finance matters, this is only more true. There is no room for miscommunications and distractions when there are large amounts of money being transferred and worked with. One client came to us seeking a solution to their management of tickets, along with some sensitivity to permissions, communications, and the ability to track change.

How to leverage the exponential smoothing formula for forecasting

When it comes to setting quotas, a lot of sales managers like to turn to a simple annual run rate. And while an ARR may be the quickest and easiest way to predict future sales results, we’ve seen that it’s far from the most precise metric. By contrast, the exponential smoothing formula lies on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Although it’s one of the most complicated sales forecasting methods, it is also arguably the most accurate.

Onboarding Challenges IT Service Desk Face with New Agents

The IT Service Desk is a primary point of engagement between users and an IT organization. To put it in simple terms, it is the single point of contact between the service providers and users for day-to-day activities. Typically, a service desk manages service disruptions and service requests besides handling user communications or outages and planned changes to services.

What is good customer service and does it really matter?

You’ve read every article, watched all of the webinars, and you’re convinced: today is the day we take our customer service to the next level. But it turns out that buying into the importance of good customer service is the easy job. First you have to uncover the definition of good customer service, and then provide proof to management in sales, product, and other departments that exactly how customer service has a major impact on your company’s bottom line.

Coding 'Customer for Life': A Peek at Product Engineering in Freshworks

Building a product is no easy task. Coming up with a new idea, hiring people to execute it, and being updated on customer trends can sometimes become a bit overwhelming. While every business tends to be customer-centric, some dreaded questions arise in our minds from time to time.

How to use sales psychology to increase lead conversion rates

Sales is a mind game. You can’t expect to convert a lead into a customer if you don’t understand the motivations behind their purchasing decisions. Why? Because humans have innate psychological tendencies—cognitive biases—that affect their perspectives and decisions. If you want to convert more leads, you have to understand what motivates them and how to use that to your advantage. This article is a guide to doing just that.