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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Introducing new and improved Gantt chart in Zoho Projects: an upgraded chart for an elevated experience

With scattered teams across different locations becoming the new normal, project management tools are becoming essential for remote work. At Zoho Projects, we’re always looking for ways to simplify your project management experience. Et voilà! We’ve upgraded and refurbished our Gantt chart feature to include more capabilities, making it easier than ever to work with it. Here’s what you can do with our new Gantt interface.

How Businesses Are Reacting to the Coronavirus Outbreak. Bitrix24 COVID-19 Survey Results.

With over 6 million organizations signing up with Bitrix24 since the launch in 2012, we have a unique insight into how businesses and the non-profit sector are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week, we ran a short survey in order to understand what effect the coronavirus has had so far, which industries adopted best and what future steps companies are planning.

Sales plan in CRM Analytics

Dear Bitrix24 users, Establishing sales objectives by setting sales targets is a good way to motivate employees, deliver big results and sell more. Bitrix24 CRM Analytics offers a Sales plan to set sales targets for each of your sales agents and track their progress. There are two types of sales targets in Bitrix24: you can enter a number of deals that have to be won for a set period of time or set as a required sales volume, if you prefer the sales target.

The 7 Project Manager Personalities: Which One Are You?

With the myriad of project management resources available today to ensure organized and successful project completion, one could argue that the need for a personal touch is obsolete. However, as cloud computing and mobile apps have expanded our horizons for task completion, team work is now more important than ever to connect all the dots.

What's new in Teamwork?

What a start to the first quarter of the year, huh? It’s been a busy one for us, and a challenging quarter for our team (and probably yours) in many ways. At Teamwork, we’re in the fortunate position that the move to remote work was a relatively smooth transition for us. So we’re going to keep doing what we do best: delivering great software to help your team collaborate and keep work going. Here’s a snapshot of our latest releases.

Understanding the Time Doctor and Integration

Did you know that as many as 77% of high-performing projects use project management software? Both startups and Fortune 500 companies use these utilities to manage deadlines and work schedules for their remote consultants. Project management tools aren’t just for task scheduling and collaboration, though. The statistics show that file sharing and time tracking are the most common uses for this software.