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Top 10-Time Tracking Software to Align Employees for Productivity

Tracking productivity and aligning employees for the same is not an easy task, as it needs a lot of effort and maintenance. Many times companies lack consistency in their schedules, project delaying, rescheduled launches, pushed-back release dates, and many more complications that make them feel like nothing can help them get back on track.

Kiss status meetings goodbye: stay in sync, async | Atlassian Presents: Work Life '22 | Atlassian

We all know it and hate it — the dreaded “status meeting.” They’re great when it’s a small team, but they don’t scale and become a waste of time. In this session, we’ll show how to use Atlas to keep teams in sync, async, while empowering them to continue using the apps that let them thrive.

The 5 Best Ways to Invest in Employees and Boost Their Performance

When it comes to business, one of the most important things you can do is to invest in employees. By doing so, you are helping them improve their skills and boosting their performance. Investing in employees, in turn, will help your company achieve its goals and objectives. We will discuss five ways to invest in your employees and see positive results!

How Time Doctor helps improve agent productivity

With the shift to remote work, businesses find it increasingly difficult to keep track of their agents’ productivity. Lack of visibility into agent performance makes it difficult to identify and resolve issues quickly. On the other hand, companies that ask their employees to work from the office face a new challenge: decreased engagement and productivity. Oftentimes, people leave their jobs for greater flexibility and a better work-life balance.

How to Learn & Master Self Management Skills

In today’s world, every person who wants to occupy his niche in the world of professions, to build a career, needs leadership skills. They must learn communication skills, self management skills, team management skills, agile project management skills, etc. How to do it? Taking into account the needs of the time and the fact that management is an integral part of any field, it is necessary to develop one’s self-management skills and use them effectively at work.

Top 14 call center motivation tips to boost agent engagement

Being a call center agent isn’t an easy job. They have to deal with customers day in and day out — often unhappy, angry, or dissatisfied ones. Additionally, the pressure of meeting targets can leave some feeling quite stressed. So how do you improve call center agent motivation? Don’t worry. In this article, we’ll give you 14 no-nonsense call center agent motivation tips to help you boost both remote and in-office employee engagement, leading to increased overall profitability.