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StartingPoint - 2020 - Testimonial - Chris Trujillo, Director of Customer Operations at Employbridge

Chris Trujillo, Director of Customer Operations at Employbridge, shares his testimonial of Employbridge's use of StartingPoint to improve their customer operations and customer experience.

Introducing Teramind BI Reports

Teramind is proud to introduce our new Business Intelligence reporting functionality. Having the platform with the strongest breadth and depth of captured user data, we've enhanced our reporting capability to allow information to be presented in multiple dimensions. This will allow for faster and more accurate investigations and user analytics.

M-Files Administrator: Modifying Existing Property Definitions and Value Lists

Property definitions are used for determining properties associated with classes. A property definition specifies the property name (which should naturally be as descriptive as possible) and the data type, which determines the type of the data entered (in relation to the property).