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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Best Memorization Techniques

Forgetting information can hinder our productivity and performance, causing havoc in our daily routines, especially at work. Besides, that experience of having something “on the tip of your tongue” but that name or that term doesn’t come out, it’s really frustrating! As we all have been there, we are featuring the best memorization techniques for you to keep your brain storage up to date. Stay tuned and forget no more!

How to Export Data from Basecamp

Time to move on from Basecamp? Here’s how you can move your projects easily. Basecamp was an early pioneer in online collaboration and remains a popular option, especially amongst service-based teams. While Basecamp’s benefits generally come in the form of ease of use and predictable, flat pricing, continuing with Basecamp can be challenging for many teams because.

How to Develop Leadership Skills (The Right Way)

Leadership skills are important for anyone who wants to be successful. Especially, as a manager, these skills will help you to reach your goals, and those of your team. However, how can you effectively develop leadership skills? Is there a guidebook to follow? Some type of IKEA-build-your-leadership-skills manual? Let’s find out! For starters, can we explain what is leadership with an exclusive concept? Are all leaders the same? Is leadership set in stone? No, no, and no.

15 Best Quotation Tools To Kick-Start Your Projects | Scoro

It used to be that there was an app for everything, but nowadays there are often hundreds of tools offering to solve your problem. We’re bombarded with options, which makes it nearly impossible to feel confident in your decision. And when it comes to quotation software, it’s no different. This is why it’s so important to consider whether you’re looking for a point solution, or whether a more holistic approach would be more time- and cost-effective.

Steering cross-functional teams towards success with project management skills

In the 1950s, when computers were still seen as complex calculators, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance conducted a study on the impact computers would have on businesses in the future. Interestingly, the company's CEO set up an unusual team for the study - comprising employees from multiple departments, each of whom saw great potential for computers in insurance.

Notion vs. Evernote: Everything you need to know

(Trust us, you won’t need to read any other Notion vs. Evernote comparison blog, after reading this one!) When you’re on the hunt for a project management tool, decision paralysis can take over. Not only are there more tool options than ever before, but marketers have also become more clever with messaging. Scouring through countless blog posts, user testimonials, and professional reviews can leave you feeling more conflicted than when you first started.

OneDesk - Create Custom Fields and Condition Fields on Tickets and Tasks

OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. Learn how to create a custom field for tickets with OneDesk's custom field editor, as well as how to add a condition field which only shows up for certain responses in this instructional video. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.