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Four Key Steps to Make the Most of Your Knowledge Base

A Knowledge Base is an invaluable tool for IT leaders to provide information about an organization's processes, policies, and information This video is our look at the top key steps to make the most of your Knowledge Base, based on our experience as providers of top-of-the-line IT service management solutions.

Irit Eizips on Customer Success | Measuring Success, Important CS Skills, Career Advice

Welcome to our first episode in a new series where we interview influential CX Leaders. Recently we spoke to Irit Eizips (Founder, Chief Customer Officer, and CEO @CSM Practice ) about measuring success in Customer Success, important skills in the field, advice for new professionals - and more! "Irit Eizips is a world renowned thought leader who has been pivotal in shaping Customer Success methodologies and best practices. Since 2013, she has been consistently voted top Customer Success strategist and influencers.