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Exoprise Delivers Resilient Digital Experience and Microsoft 365 Visibility to BCD Travel

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in the Netherlands, BCD Travel is a provider of global corporate travel management with offices in more than 100 countries. The company simplifies the complexity of business travel and drives savings for travel and procurement partners. The company's IT department has hundreds of employees worldwide with expertise in managing and supporting infrastructure across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Structured Workplace: How to Plug the Top Six Time Leaks in Your Business

It's no secret that time is wasted in the workplace - whether on coffee breaks, slow business processes, needless meetings, or a combination of the above. And all of those trivial activities add up, whether they're intentional or not. In fact, research shows that the average employee spends only three hours in an eight-hour day on meaningful work. That's more than 25 hours wasted every working week! If only you could reclaim most of this wasted time... Here's the good news - you can!

SaaS cloud services monitoring solution Exoprise CloudReady

One of my earliest memories of the cloud is when it dawned on me that I was no longer in control. I'd spent the last 10 years managing on-premises infrastructure, and if something went wrong, I was pretty confident in our ability to fix things. After moving tens of thousands of mailboxes to the new Exchange Online service, then part of a service called Live@EDU, I experienced an outage where there was nothing I could do except wait for someone else to help.