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How to create a cross-functional team in 4 simple steps

A cross-functional team is a permanent or temporary group of people with different types of experience working together to achieve a common goal. Cross-functional teams benefit companies because when team members with multiple skill sets work together, they can pursue company goals more efficiently. In this piece, we’ll explain what a cross-functional team is and provide tips for how to build one.

How to Start an Agency: Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Are you looking for a way to start your own business and be in control of your own future? If so, starting an agency might be the perfect option for you. However, it’s also going to be a lot of hard work. There are many things to do to get your business up and running. This article will discuss the steps you need to become a successful business owner of an agency and everything you need to know to get started, from choosing a niche to set up your finances. Let’s dive in!

MS Teams unbundled from Office [+3 reasons why it matters]

In April 2024, Microsoft unbundled MS Teams from the rest of the Office package globally. This news comes almost six months after Microsoft unbundled Teams in Europe. Microsoft says that the global unbundling made sense to make pricing easier for global organizations operating in Europe.

5 Examples Of Passive Communication and How To Deal With It

Professional communication can be tricky at times. When you send an email or a message, the person on the other end might not understand what you mean. Even if you spend time crafting your message, it can still be misinterpreted. This is important, whether you’re working remotely or in person. In emails or chats, you have to be extra careful with your words and punctuation to avoid confusion. As we continue to work remotely, dealing with difficult team members might become a challenge again.

Fact vs. fiction - Understanding the role of generative AI in employee-facing applications (webinar recap)

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), it can be tough to distinguish between myth and reality. The challenge intensifies for organizations exploring the use of generative AI in employee-facing applications.

10 employee retention metrics you need to know

The importance of employee retention to an organization’s performance is becoming more widely acknowledged. Retaining qualified employees is crucial for preserving operational stability and promoting long-term growth in a competitive labor market. This blog article will examine several employee retention metrics that HR specialists and company executives may use to monitor and enhance employee retention.

A four-day workweek results in more productive employees

Taking a bold step toward rethinking the modern workplace, the coaching firm Exos, which is based in the United States, has begun a trial of a four-day workweek that will last for a period of six months. The objective of the effort is to reduce the amount of burnout experienced by employees and to raise productivity, all while preserving or even improving the overall performance of the organization.

Program manager vs. project manager: Key differences

You may know what project management is, but have you ever heard the term program management? While the two sound similar, you might be surprised to learn there’s a lot that sets them apart. Whether you’re searching for the right role for your team or want to improve your work management processes and methodologies, we’ll help you understand the differences between a program manager vs. project manager.