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Brian Skramstad on Implementing Problem Management for Customer Satisfaction

When it comes to problem management, many businesses focus on automating repetitive tasks like password resets. But while this can help reduce the overall number of problems, it doesn't address the root cause of the issue. That's where trend analysis comes in. By looking for patterns and trends, businesses can identify potential problem areas and take steps to improve them. This not only helps to reduce the number of customer service issues but also improves customer satisfaction.

What is Agent Experience? (+Tips to Improve AX)

Approximately 96% of business leaders reported that focusing on agent experiences makes it easier to retain top talent. That’s not all. An astounding 87% of business leaders also shared that prioritizing employee happiness will give them a competitive advantage. Despite these findings, only 19% of companies have made agent experience their strategic priority. As a result, poor agent experience contributes to high turnover rates, especially for contact center agents.

Experience Design: The Mindset Behind Products, Services, and Solutions

If you’ve ever found yourself returning to an application or online service because it just “feels right” or seems to mimic your needs without you having to give active feedback, then you’ve most likely encountered a business that has good design experience (XD) behind it. Among the many elements in experience management, experience design is arguably the most impactful.

A Basic Guide to Enter the World of Experience Management (XM)

Experience management (XM) is a term that has been in everyone’s mouths as of late. It has taken the IT world by storm and heralded it as a new and innovative way of viewing the relationship between customers, employees, and stakeholders. Customer experience management and employee experience management have become integral to ITSM and the service industry. Hence, it was only a matter of time for experience management to become highly regarded in this data-driven and ever-expanding market.

Customer dashboards: Examples of Customer Service Dashboards and Steps to Create One

One of the primary responsibilities of a customer support manager is to monitor your team’s performance and help them deliver outstanding customer service efficiently. A customer service dashboard is the perfect tool for you to track your support team’s efficiency and also know how happy your customers are with the support you offer.

Why Delivering A Superior Customer Experience Matters in B2B

When it comes to adopting new philosophies, practices, and technologies, businesses tend to give disproportionate focus on the sales process. While the sales process is a vital aspect of increasing revenues through initial conversion, around 60% of buyers say that they would switch to a new brand in a given industry after one bad customer service experience. This figure only begins to demonstrate the overwhelming importance of offering a personalized, efficient customer service system.

How Does Investing In AI Pay Off In Your Financial Services CX?

Today, nearly 9 in 10 Americans use digital apps and services to manage their finances – a 52% growth rate from 2020. Along with this digitalization of financial services, the unbundling of services and a shift from working with one bank to using various apps and services for different financial needs is on the rise.

How to Win Back Frustrated and Unhappy Customers

No matter how great your products or services are, some customers are bound to run into problems. That’s an unavoidable truth of business — but you can still avoid losing unhappy customers by dealing with them in the right way. Interactions with your support team can make all the difference in how your unhappy customers behave. A negative interaction could lead them to write off your company forever, while a positive one could convert them into a loyal customer for life.

7 Customer Journey Map Examples Across Industries

If you’re an avid Agatha Christie fan, you’ll notice the rough sketches and maps that the author adds to recreate the murder scenes. The courtyard, bedrooms, and living room are all mapped to help the reader visually reconstruct the happenings of the ominous day. The author is also content, knowing that the readers are in step with her as she takes them along the journey to solve the mystery.