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Employee Monitoring

A Complete Guide to Improving Business Productivity in 2024

I know you were very excited when you started your own business or when you achieved that managerial position in your dream firm. But….I can feel you exactly when you are facing challenges in improving business productivity at your workplace. But again, trust me it is not at all rocket science or as difficult as crossing an international border without a visa & passport! Not merely theoretical but I am going to share personal methods to improve productivity at the workplace.

Live PC Screen Monitoring, Login/Logoff Tracking, DLP Upgrades & More (v9.0.2) | CurrentWare

CurrentWare version 9.0.2 is here! This update introduces user activity monitoring upgrades to BrowseReporter such as live screen monitoring and on-demand screen captures, a variety of AccessPatrol DLP enhancements such as the ability to control HID devices, and much more! As a CurrentWare customer these quarterly product updates are included as a part of your subscription. Need help upgrading? Our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

The Psychology Of Remote Work: How Workstatus Enhances Employee Well-being

The COVID-19 pandemic forced a huge shift to remote work. Almost overnight, companies had to adapt to fully-distributed teams. Now, with hybrid and remote work here to stay, organizations must understand the psychology of this new world of work. Meet John, an account manager who loved the social office atmosphere at his job. When COVID hit, he found himself working from a tiny apartment. Video calls left him drained. Keeping fit was a challenge. John missed the office banter and morale.

How To Use Workstatus's Continuous Clocking For Field Employees

It’s Tuesday morning, and your field service crew is gearing up for a packed day of client meetings across town. As they hustle out the door, tracking their time is the last thing on their minds. By week’s end, you find yourself sorting through scribbled notes and calendar appointments, trying to reconstruct billable hours. There has to be a better way! Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

11 Best Todoist Alternatives for Task and Project Management in 2024

Are you feeling pulled in a million directions? Organizing day-to-day life is an absolute agony when you need to play many roles in your personal and professional space 24/7. Thanks to the task management tools for managing and automating our order of the day. In search of a task management app, you may hear about Todoist or a user of it as it is already beating the task management market. But there may be a better suit for your needs.

Optimizing HR Management: Insightful's Integration with Zoho People

Transform your HR management with Insightful's integration with Zoho People. Learn to implement this innovative solution for real-time data synchronization, enriched employee profiles, and automated team management. Experience the future of HR with our step-by-step guide and explore upcoming features for advanced workforce management.

How To Build A Self Motivated, Highly Efficient Team

Daily work, or to say the same work brings boredom. We all face it, but losing to it is not the right thing to do. But what’s the solution? How to be self motivated and how to build a team of motivated people? Have you ever felt the rush of motivation after watching a motivational video or being with a successful person? That feeling makes you work hard, at least for the next few days, and that needs to be done continuously for your teams.