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OneDesk - How to Create Multiple Customer Portals/Knowledgebases

OneDesk allows you to create as many unique portals or knowledgebases as you need, and you can customize each one to be unique from the others. Here’s how to create a new portal and knowledgebase in OneDesk. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

M-Files Administrator: Modifying Existing Property Definitions and Value Lists

Property definitions are used for determining properties associated with classes. A property definition specifies the property name (which should naturally be as descriptive as possible) and the data type, which determines the type of the data entered (in relation to the property).