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ServiceNow Alternatives (FAQs 2021)

There's no shortage of ServiceNow alternatives on the market for your business to explore. As service-focused organizations look for ways to optimize workflows, leveraging a sophisticated workflow automation solution is a strategic move. This could be the difference between good and exceptional customer experiences . ServiceNow isn't the only answer to automation. If ServiceNow isn't working for you, there are other workflow automation solutions that are capable of streamlining your operations . StartingPoint is a ServiceNow alternative with the potential to radically improve your workflows with targeted optimization.

Swarming, Scrum, and How They Can Benefit Your Organization

Project management is hard. Even if you arm yourself with the best team and the best resources, unexpected issues may arise creating delays or other bottlenecks. In fact, according to a 2021 report, the role of project managers is so stressful that 37% of them have considered leaving their jobs. The good news is that, over the decades, the industry has developed frameworks to consistently deliver projects without exceeding the resources or missing the deadlines.

Client Project Management (5 Best Practices)

Client project management can present a range of challenges. Establishing solid working relationships with your clients is critical to retention. These are the foundation of any successful service business. If you’re unable to inspire retention and suffer from high churn, this can throw the sustainability of your service business into question. So, what’s the secret to success?

Incident Ticket vs. Problem Ticket: What's the Difference?

It is very common for outsiders to the world of IT (or at least people who aren't familiar with the ITIL framework) to think of "incidents" and "problems" as synonyms. You can’t really blame them, as people tend to use these two terms interchangeably in everyday life. However, in the world of IT service management (ITSM), these two terms are inextricably linked but not the same.

Top University Improves Access With Switch to Vivantio IT Service Management Platform

In late 2019, Wake Forest University (WFU) was faced with a problem. The company providing their service management platform wanted to start charging an additional $30,000 year for new servers. The director of the Physical Security Technology and Deacon One Card office (PSTDOC) decided that perhaps now was a good time to find a new solution and asked administrator David Cowan to head up the search.

The Best ITSM Blogs You Should Be Following

With so much information that’s repurposed, repackaged, and frankly, not worth even a passing glance, it makes sense to be a bit cynical when it comes to blog content. When everybody seems to be doing the same thing, originality and good writing are rare features that should be celebrated. Since we’re content snobs ourselves, we thought we’d share our take on the 10 best ITSM blogs with you.

5 Tips for Helping Your Workforce Adapt to Automation

There has been a rapid incline in the use of automation in many day-to-day activities, making life a bit simpler. Whether it’s through the implementation of chatbots or automated reporting tools, automation has become a new norm. It’s meant to make workloads a lot easier, as well as improve efficiency. However, not everyone may see it that way. The simple notion of automation taking over your job can cause a lot of stress, anger, and/or anxiety.

How to Improve Your Business Productivity in 10 Easy Steps

The key to any successful business requires a good quality of human resources. They are the most important capital that must be managed properly in the company. Therefore, It is essential to create a work atmosphere and company environment that supports employee productivity. So, how to Increase employee productivity? Everyone wants to make the most of their time and be as productive as possible.

Asset Inventory Management Tips & Best Practices

There are many aspects to keeping your IT house in order. And IT asset inventory management is just one of the many heads of this ever-shifting hydra. It’s also one of those practices that managers may sometimes gloss over in their effort to go after “the big issues.” In this guide, we’ll clue you into some best practices that you absolutely have to take into account to run things smoothly.

5 Steps to Creating an ITIL Maintenance Plan

It was Einstein who once said “the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” The world of IT isn’t exactly known for being a creator’s paradise but navigating obstacles within problem management or incident management may take creative solutions. Regardless, it helps to borrow ideas, or in this case systems. One such popular system in IT service management is ITIL.