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Remote Work

10 Time Management Tips For Busy Remote Workers

Looking for some time management tips for remote workers? While working remotely comes with its share of perks, there are a few challenges as well — especially if you’ve only recently made the transition to a remote environment. Without your boss or manager around, you’re entirely accountable for how you spend your work time. As such, having a solid grasp of how you use your time is essential. However, time management isn’t a skill that comes naturally to everyone.

Top 7 Remote Working Software For Efficient Teams (2021 Guide)

Looking for remote working software for your team? Remote working has become as common as working in an office. And the availability of various software has made it even more feasible for an entire team to work remotely in perfect harmony. But how do you choose the best software for your remote company? In this article, we’ll cover all the basics of remote working software. We’ll also list down the seven best software, along with their key features, pricing, and user ratings.

Social Media Collaboration: Tips and Tools for Remote Teams

Are you finding social media collaboration a challenge within your remote team? This article will guide you through the exact steps and tools you can use to make it easier. Remote working is a necessity that a lot of worldwide companies had to adapt in order to survive. But something that once was a necessity actually turned into a preference for many employees. In fact, studies show that 99% of employees would choose to work remotely, at least part-time, for the rest of their careers.

4 Reasons why your employees may be unproductive remotely

At times, remote workers might be ineffective for many reasons, which negatively affects team productivity and workflow. Therefore, to place a check on an inefficient remote employee, an employer should employ an Employee Monitoring Software; it helps evaluate remote productivity and effectiveness.

Mattermost survey reveals remote work is here to stay

Mattermost has always been a remote-first company. Building a product that safely and securely allows our teams to communicate with each other regardless of geography or distance is the cornerstone of our philosophy on working remotely. Over the last year, the world of working online from home changed dramatically. Many people have been forced to move into a working situation they might not have been familiar with.

5 Keys to Managing Individual Performance Remotely

The goal of management is always to ensure productivity and the fulfillment of preset objectives. But having so many employees working remotely because of current global circumstances or corporate policies makes performance management challenging. Here we have keys to managing individual performance remotely. None of these keys involve cracking a whip for getting the level of performance you want.

5 Qualities of an Effective Remote Employee - The Employer's Opinion

Although work from home has become a norm in the corporate world, not everyone is cut out for this lifestyle. Unlike in a traditional office where you have a boss or manager sitting nearby, you have to practice self-discipline when working remotely. There are some traits and skills that are essential for remote employees. We spoke to some employers and human resource managers to find the most desired qualities of an effective remote worker.

Overcoming disruption in a distributed world: Insights from the Anatomy of Work Index 2021

Every knowledge worker—all 1.25 billion of them worldwide—has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. And, for many, the abrupt shift to remote work triggered an increase in the adoption of collaboration tools and an acceleration of digital transformations. In 2019, we released our first Anatomy of Work Index to analyze how people spend time at work and the factors shaping those habits.

The 2021 Guide to Setting Up and Managing Distributed Teams

Curious about distributed teams? The global pandemic has ushered in a new way of conducting business, with several companies leaning towards ditching the traditional office in favor of remote work. So if you’re wondering how you can get distributed teams off the ground, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll take you through the process of setting up and managing distributed teams.