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Productivity Goals For Employees And How To Set Them? [Tips + Examples]

Employees want to be productive and achieve their goals, but often don’t know where to start. In this post, we’ll outline some productivity goals that employees can achieve, and provide tips and examples to help you set them. We’ll also discuss how to track employee productivity and measure results to ensure that your employees are achieving the goals that you’ve set for them. So read on for some helpful advice on setting productivity goals for your employees!

Are Your Employees Slacking Off? What to Look For and How to Stop It

Slacking off at work seems so easy nowadays, we got that video of the cute, little parrot throwing everything from the kitchen counter, the birth of a new meme every single week, and wait! Did Billie Eilish change her hair color again? Ah! Distractions are just everywhere. Yes, we can find a million and one things to distract us during work hours, but it doesn’t mean we have to allow it, and even less to hinder our work performance.

7 Ways Managers Can Support Employees' Mental Health and Well-Being

As a manager, you will want to do whatever you can to support your employees’ mental health and well-being. After all, employees who feel happy at work are 13% more productive and are much more likely to approach the inevitable obstacles of their job proactively. Individuals who have a good work-life balance are also healthier and will thus require less time off. With their mental health and well-being nourished, employees are much more able to give their best every day.

Layoffs in 2023: How to survive & thrive

With tech giants such as Amazon and Meta slashing thousands of employees, Google employees say there’s growing anxiety internally that layoffs may come shortly. On the other hand, many small and large organisations have predicted a future recession. Maybe they’re correct, as the dark clouds don't seem very far. The year has been tough for the tech sector in both the U.S. and India. According to the data compiled by

Morning Routines of Productive People

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done? You’re not alone. One way to help increase your productivity is to develop a morning routine. Not only will this help you start your day off on the right foot, but it can also set the tone for the rest of your day. So, what do productive people do in the morning? Keep reading the blog, this is for you.