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How can Internal Communications Help with the Return-to-the-Office Transition?

In March 2020, many employees were sent home due to COVID-19. Two years later, reintegrating employees and teams after working from home for an extended period will be challenging for leaders and internal communications. Hundreds (or thousands) of employees may be coming back the same week. You also might have hundreds of employees hired during the pandemic and have never been to the office.

4 Major Workplace Communication Styles: Which Is Effective?

Effective Communication is one of the hallmarks of having a successful business. In today's world, with many varying styles and types of Communication, it can be quite hard to distinguish and check which of these are most effective. Oftentimes, businesses don't even know what style of Communication they use in the workplace, as these can grow seemingly unnoticed depending on the culture and the people involved.

Comprehensive Guide on How to Achieve Effective Communication

Failure to meet deadlines, long email threads, disputes during meetings, poorly planned projects, missing files, delayed feedback, you name it. How about meetings where people are talking to each other and thinking they are discussing the same thing, but it is obvious that they don’t? Rings a bell? Of course, it does. We’ve all been there. Team communication isn’t always as effective as we’d want it to be, and it has a direct impact on every area of an organization.

How to Secure Communication When Working Remote?

Managing a remote team's communication requires a bit more effort than if everyone were in the same office. You need to be deliberate about creating a communication strategy, ensuring everyone is on the same page with the office chat app, and making sure everyone feels comfortable sharing information. There are a few key things you can do to make sure your remote team's communication is secure.

Six Guiding Principles of Good Change Communications

Change management and internal communications are not synonymous. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of overlap. Much of what we do in internal communications involves communicating change. The truth is, change management won’t be successful without a good communications strategy. As IC requires more to demonstrate its value, change communications play a critical part in instituting a new and evolved comms strategy.

6 strategies to improve organizational communication

More and more companies introduce remote work policies. With a distributed workforce, organizational communication becomes more critical than ever. Uninhibited communication via various digital channels is a #1 priority when it comes to empowering employees in digital workplaces. Moreover, as hybrid work is slowly becoming a standard, communication needs to change the in-and-out-of-office conditions.

How to Create Effective Internal Communications

Have you ever had writer’s block when you’re called upon to produce a new internal comms campaign? You’re not alone! The constant stream of company-wide updates, administrative messages, and employee engagement campaigns is enough for even the most seasoned internal communications professional to feel creatively burned out. Why is it then that some organizations can create consistently effective internal communications across their employee experience?

Measuring Success in Internal Communications

From a leadership or business standpoint, measuring internal communications (IC) is the most critically important part of internal communications (IC), as it directly points to your product’s value. Measurement through technology, data, or even personal observation, gives you holistic visibility into the adoption of your communication technology or platform. You get to see what tools, functionalities, and applications are being used or not used.

Combining IT & Comms for Better Employee Experience

In this episode of the Cohesion Podcast, Amanda had a great conversation with Gainsight’s Senior VP and Chief of Staff and Community, Robin Merritt, and CIO Karl Mosgofian about their experiences in converging IT and internal communication to create an employee experience that no one wants to leave. Gainsight is the leader in Customer Success technology and thought leadership on customer-centricity.