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How to Safely and Securely Incorporate AI into Your Tech Stack

Accounting firms are facing new data security challenges from platforms like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot. Some knowledge workers are sharing client data with public GenAI platforms despite firm instruction. They use these platforms for a wide range of tasks such as accounting research, reviewing workpapers, client communications, and more. Firms need to identify how to incorporate AI into their tech stack safely and securely.

EU AI act: GenAI solutions that rely on trusted, internal data are key to compliance with new legislation

The EU parliament has approved its AI act, the world’s first recognized set of rules designed to regulate this technology. Under the act, AI solutions will be divided into risk categories, including an ‘unacceptable’ tier that will see models that pose systemic risk banned. The bill will come into force 12 months after it is made law and is subject to formal approval from ministers of EU member states.

Knowledge Work Automation Will Change Compliance

All companies rely on effective compliance to protect data and streamline business operations. The advantages of automating knowledge work are infinite. Companies can implement a comprehensive database to store institutional knowledge. This approach helps organizations minimize the risk of cyberattacks, avoid document mismanagement, and enhance workflows in every department. Organizations can then focus on superior customer service.

The Importance of Document Automation

When you envision “automation,” what comes to mind? For many people, it's images of large automotive assembly lines. Deploying robotic arms and other modern marvels, these manufacturing facilities are monuments to the power of automation. However, the real automation revolution today happens outside the manufacturing floor. In offices around the world, automation software is transforming knowledge work—particularly solutions that incorporate artificial intelligence (AI).

CPA Courtney Kunzig Discusses Automation in Accounting

Knowledge work automation is poised to reshape multiple industries. This is especially true in professional services. In this sector, knowledge is often the primary deliverable. Accounting industry workers handle huge amounts of client data. They also manage sensitive information and face tight deadlines. Workflows, security and compliance, client satisfaction, and firm growth are major priorities for these professionals.

Knowledge Work Automation: Reshaping the Future of Work

Knowledge work automation is emerging as a transformative force in the workplace, reshaping the way professionals engage with work tasks and boosting overall productivity. This revolutionary approach seeks to free knowledge workers from time-consuming, administrative activities, allowing them to focus on core tasks that drive improved productivity.

Adding AI and Knowledge Work Automation to Your Microsoft Arsenal

As the digital workplace grows, businesses rely increasingly on advanced technologies to enhance productivity and streamline workflows. Microsoft's tools such as Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Office 365 are at the forefront of digital transformation.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Data and Analytics

In today's digital era, businesses are swimming in a sea of data. Understanding and harnessing the power of advanced analytics, data, collective intelligence, and artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial. Developing a strong data and analytics strategy is essential for organizations looking to use information effectively.

Information Management for the Manufacturing Sector

From small machine shops to large fabrication facilities, manufacturing businesses depend on effective information management. Manufacturing information management systems offer such businesses real-time insights into the status of production. Making information available at the right time and in the right context saves knowledge workers' time. Additionally, information management systems can help improve document security.

Knowledge Work Automation in Real Estate

In real estate, where every decision can make or break a deal, the role of knowledge workers is crucial. These professionals are the ones behind critical problem-solving and innovation. Research shows that a large portion of knowledge workers' time is spent doing repetitive tasks that don't leverage their skills. Knowledge work automation promises to change the real-estate business by empowering knowledge workers to focus on the creative aspects of their jobs.