Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2023

Everything you've wanted to know about transforming culture with Brian Brockman

This episode features an interview with Brian Brockman, VP of Communications, US & Canada at Nissan Motor Corporation. In this episode, Amanda sits down with Brian to discuss transforming work culture, crafting an equitable employee experience, and how internal and external communications can flow together.

Intranet implementation made simple: Choose an intranet that saves IT time and resources

Tightening budgets are making it more imperative than ever to choose an intranet solution that is easy to deploy and maintain, thereby preserving and optimizing your IT resources. Streamlined intranet implementation can save money, time and frustration for IT and beyond.

Essential intranet content: 10 must-have employee intranet content types + ideas & examples

This article was originally published on Feb. 5, 2016, and was updated on Oct. 25, 2023 The right mix of intranet content serves double-duty as an organization’s virtual watercooler and centralized knowledge base — the go-to hub to communicate, connect and engage. Turn your employee intranet into a communications, collaboration and engagement powerhouse with these essential intranet content ideas.

Intranet ROI: Guide to measuring hard and soft returns

Tightening budgets mean it’s more important than ever for internal comms, IT and other intranet stakeholders to measure intranet ROI. Proving a strong return on investment will help convince budget-holders to devote the resources needed to keep your intranet in tip-top shape — or replace it with a stronger solution.

How AI can help create a modern employee experience

One of my favorite words is dynamic and when I get to use it related to work, I always get pumped. Truth: it’s a dynamic time to be an internal communicator. The pandemic dramatically altered how and where we work — and employee expectations along with it. And artificial intelligence (AI) continues to disrupt as we grapple with the best ways to harness its potential and minimize its pitfalls. Many organizations have put off modernizing their employee experience.

Investing in team upskilling and technology to improve efficiency with Preston Lewis

This episode features an interview with Preston Lewis, Founder and CEO of Intactic, a modern communications company focused on creating human-centric experiences for people at work. In this episode, Amanda sits down with Preston to discuss the modern employee experience, investing in technology and upskilling teams, and how to create a human-centric work experience.

Importance of inclusion and diversity in communication in the digital workplace

In today’s increasingly digital workplaces, effective communication is critical for clarity and understanding, higher employee engagement and satisfaction, and increased collaboration, problem-solving and innovation. But teams can’t reap these benefits if they don't incorporate diversity in communication.

How the right intranet can help eliminate tech debt

Technical debt (aka “tech debt”) is a silent killer in the enterprise — draining budgets, slowing productivity, and ultimately impacting profitability. It’s the hidden costs and challenges that arise from making short-term development decisions that sacrifice long-term code quality and maintainability.

Keys to engaging leadership: The ultimate guide and downloadable worksheet to unlock executive engagement

We are always asked about engaging leadership: How do you get your executive and leadership team invested and involved in your intranet? We want to share a few tips and a worksheet you can challenge your executive team to complete.

Overview of the Internal Communications Manager role + job description

This article was originally published on Oct. 11, 2021, and was updated on Oct. 6, 2023. A key component in thriving organizations is strong communication between all levels of employees. When a team is on the same page, clear about their objectives and mission, and regularly informed about company changes, they will reach their goals faster and with fewer obstacles. This is why having the right internal communications manager is essential for large and growing organizations.

Rebuilding trust after layoffs, mergers & acquisitions with Julia Christenson,

This episode features an interview with Julia Christenson, U.S. Employee Experience Chair at Edelman. In this episode, Amanda and Julia discuss the sticky factor of employee experience, the power of employee recognition, and how to establish trust in difficult times.