Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


What is customer experience? How to use AI (and more!) to boost customer loyalty | Zendesk

Discover the critical importance of customer experience and how it shapes the impression customers have of your business. Learn how to deliver good CX by heightening satisfaction and fostering long-term connections. Our 5 essential tips will help you kickstart an effective CX strategy that cultivates customer loyalty, driving lasting success and brand advocacy.

What is customer centricity? Here's how to put your customers first | Zendesk

Wondering what it truly means to put your customers first? We've got you covered. Discover what customer centricity means, why it’s so important, and dive into three essential tips for prioritizing a customer-centric culture within your business. Watch now and take the first step to leading your business towards a customer-centric future.

Introducing the world's most complete CX solution for the AI era

Zendesk was founded on the belief that CX could be better, bringing a beautifully simple, easy-to-use solution to the legacy world of expensive call centre technology. Nearly two decades later, we’re here to disrupt the industry once again – this time with AI.

Zendesk Relate 2024 keynote highlights: AI, CX, WFM, QA, and more

👉 Zendesk Relate 2024 keynote highlights ⚡️ Join CEO Tom Eggemeier, Senior Vice President of Solutions and Product Marketing Lisa Kant, and Senior Vice President of Product Management Paxton Cooper as they announce the launch of autonomous AI agents, workflow automation, agent copilot, Workforce Management and Quality Assurance capabilities — all powered by Zendesk AI.

Introducing Zendesk QA (quality assurance) #shorts

😎 Zendesk QA, or quality assurance, uses AI to review every customer conversation and automatically detect issues in service quality, leading to a higher performing support team and happier customers. The best part? No spreadsheets. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

AI Agents: The next generation of AI-powered bots | Zendesk

💡 AI Agents: The next generation of AI-powered bots | Zendesk 🚀 Take care of your customer's entire request from start to finish, no matter the complexity. Do it all without a team of developers or massive budget, and constantly improve your experiences with robust analytics. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.