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5 Ways You Can Show the Value and ROI of CX

Do you believe your company understands the value of its customer experience (CX) programs? If not, you’re not alone. Despite the fact that CX is becoming a top business priority, 37 percent of CX professionals don’t agree with the statement “My company understands the role of CX and the value I bring.” What’s more, 24% of respondents identify “continuously proving value” as one of their top three on-the-job challenges.

30 customer success interview questions you should ask every candidate

Making a bad hire in any role brings a number of issues. Finding a replacement is expensive, and the quick turnover often lowers team morale. When hiring a customer success manager, making a poor choice is especially damaging. This position is critical for maintaining and nurturing long-term customer relationships. If you choose someone who is a poor fit, you're likely to see lower retention rates. In the long run, that means less revenue.

5 messaging best practices for a better customer and agent experience

42 percent of people in the world have a smartphone, and 87 percent of smartphone owners use messaging. Let those numbers sink in for a minute... Customers overwhelmingly want to interact with businesses on the same messaging channels they use in their personal lives. Messaging already had the highest customer satisfaction score of any support channel before COVID-19, with a CSAT of 98 percent.

Part 1: Using Data from Reports to Improve B2B Customer Support

Reports. We all have to run them, and read them, and receive them, or submit them, and definitely explain them. But sometimes we get so caught up in the actions surrounding reports that we neglect to actually understand them. As a customer service professional, you have all sorts of data at your fingertips.

Getting Actionable Insights from Customer Support Conversations

We’re in a world where the customer is king. We rely on them to reach out to us, tell us how they feel, tell their friends about us and, of course, to continue spending their money with us. We could just take each of these interactions at face value and continue on with our day, but gaining more actionable insights from customer support conversations helps perpetuate a pattern of customer happiness and loyalty.

The Importance of Human Translation in Multilingual Customer Support

As a business grows, so does the focus on building and maintaining strong customer relationships. Businesses that aim to make a mark globally, understand the need to interact with customers from all over the world, in their native language. Engaging with customers in their preferred language helps them feel heard. The message is highly personalized, and as a result, customer satisfaction increases. However, offering multilingual customer support is easier said than done. So, where do you begin?

Address Your Customer Grievances In a Snap With These 7 Wonders of the Freshdesk Marketplace

Your customers need you now more than ever. And the sooner you are able to engage with them the better as brand loyalty is built around quality customer service. Besides, good customer service can also prove to be a good marketing tool — news about good service travels far and wide and can bring in additional sales through repeat and new customers.

How to successfully onboard a remote customer support team

Customer support reps have to be knowledgeable about the products and/or services their company sells so that they can accurately answer customer questions. They also need to be aware of company policy so that they always interact with customers in brand-approved ways. But teaching new team members these things when they work outside a central office can be difficult. To do so, you need a stellar onboarding plan.

5 key things to consider when evaluating a messaging partner

Messaging has the highest customer satisfaction score of any support channel, with a CSAT of 98 percent. It makes sense: messaging is fast, personal, secure, and asynchronous—in other words; customers can pick the conversation up at their own convenience, without losing the conversation history. But providing the seamless conversational interactions customers expect requires more than simply offering messaging channels. It starts with choosing the right messaging partner.

Cost Center or Profit Center? What B2B Support Truly Means to Your Business

As published in, June 2, 2020 There are two types of viewpoints when it comes to B2B (business-to-business) customer support. The first approaches B2B customer support as a cost center, or a necessary expense for running a business. After all, having a support team is required for your product, and it’s just something you need to have. The second thinks B2B customer support is a profit center.