
The desire for a secure messenger environment is only likely to keep growing

Have you ever thought about the security and privacy of the messaging services you use (email, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc.)? EU-Startups' Bernardo Arnaud spoke with Morten Brøgger, CEO of Wire, about the rising demand for secure collaboration, especially in the enterprise client segment. The following is an edited exerpt of their conversation.

The Remote HR Department in 2021: Best Practices to Manage Employees from a Distance

Not only are HR departments charged with developing and implementing pandemic safety protocols, onerous budget and personnel reductions, and the rapid transition to remote work, but they must also support a workforce that’s stressed out, less productive, and off-site. This problem predates the pandemic, but it’s taking on renewed importance as companies fight to thrive in an increasingly digital environment.

Don't get tunnel vision

Based in San Francisco, Morten is the CEO of Wire, an enterprise-grade, end-to-end encrypted collaboration platform. He has over 20 years’ experience in the technology industry, as well as extensive go-to-market and SaaS experience spanning both the U.S. and European markets. Previously, Morten was the CEO at Huddle, a content collaboration platform serving large professional services firms as well as the UK and U.S. governments.

Teramind vs. ActivTrak | 2021 Feature Comparison

Teramind and ActivTrak are both popular employee monitoring software. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses which might make it suitable (or not) for your unique business needs. The table below compares Teramind vs. ActivTrak side-by-side in terms of key features and capabilities so that you can decide which solution is right for you.

Why Employee Privacy Matters More Than Ever

For organizations and their employees, 2020 was a uniquely transformative and challenging year. Although this reality is expressed in many ways—including a global pandemic, a deep economic recession, perpetual social unrest and a litany of natural disasters—in the professional environment, it is most acutely observed in the rapid and wide-spread transition to remote work.

5 Reasons Every Company Needs to Be Ready for a Compliance Audit in 2021

In many ways, 2020 was a year of reckoning for data privacy on the internet. After more than a decade of enthusiastically embracing a “freemium” model in which consumers traded copious amounts of personal data for access to digital platforms, many are adopting a rapid about-face. Now, privacy is essential, and stakeholders are taking notice. To date, it’s clear that many companies see this as an obstacle, not an opportunity.

Introducing Teramind BI Reports

Teramind is proud to introduce our new Business Intelligence reporting functionality. Having the platform with the strongest breadth and depth of captured user data, we've enhanced our reporting capability to allow information to be presented in multiple dimensions. This will allow for faster and more accurate investigations and user analytics.

Secure messaging: what makes Rocket.Chat a safe team collaboration platform?

Picture the following scenario: you get your usual cup of coffee, are ready to start your workday, log into your team collaboration tool on your computer. Then you are immediately greeted by your colleague who sends you a cute kitty picture with a “good morning” message. What are the chances this is a hacker sneaking into your computer and stealing your data? Well, it turns out this is something very likely to happen if you don’t have a safe workspace for secure messaging.

Top 5 Insider Threat Detection and Prevention Software of 2021

Dealing with insider threats requires a different strategy from other security challenges because of their very nature. Insiders have a significant advantage. They are aware of the organization’s policies, procedures, technology and vulnerabilities. They often have access to important systems, business IP and sensitive data. As such, they can cause a business the most damage compared to external attackers such as hackers.

Managing 2021: Preparing for the Hybrid Future of Work

Tips and considerations for productively managing a distributed workforce in the new era of remote work As we come to the close of the year, we can say that 2020 has been a very long decade. Along with the personal difficulties and uncertainties, businesses faced a real struggle as they navigated how to keep the lights on and their people employed.