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My experience of designing for Alert Management

Alert management allows users to identify critical alerts before it impacts business outcomes. A good design is all about logic or the thought process behind the unique solution to user needs. When it comes to alert management, designers need to consider that constantly switching between monitoring tools can be exhausting for the user. With such high stakes, at times, it is not easy to derive a perfect design solution at the very first try.

7 Best practices for great customer service amid a pandemic

The COVID pandemic has been many things to many people. This unprecedented crisis has affected every corner of the globe and every sector and industry. We have witnessed the tireless bravery of our healthcare staff and the tragedy of so many lost lives. But we have also seen businesses around the world rise to the challenge of coping with this crisis and getting things done.

What Is Customer Perception And How Can Brands Track It

Customer experience is key to gauge how your customers perceive your brand. The reaction that customers have in response to the way your company treats them is crucial. Businesses have to work hard to attain and retain customers, for which keeping an eye on customer perception matters throughout their lifecycle.

Automation in Customer Service: Finding the best balance between humans & technology

There is a push to automate everything, but is this the best way forward? The financial case for automation in customer service to lower your costs is clear but this shouldn’t be the only consideration. You also need to assess the impact that a service or helpdesk automation will have on your business, your employees and your customers. If done without putting the customer first, your automation in customer service might be perceived as impersonal.

How to get leaders to understand the culture and attitude behind ITSM & DevOps? 

Ah, the good old days! As a leader that benefits from technology, you remember the days of: Oh, wait! Good old days? What am I thinking? Those days were terrible! Then COVID19 hit and, miraculously, our IT department was regarded as heroes as they moved us online within a couple of weeks. Further, their interest in helping us utilize technology to improve the way we worked was outstanding, keeping us competitive, compliant and sustainable. What changed?

How being proactive can deliver better customer experiences

People are happier if they are in control. That‘s why customers expect to be kept informed when something will be delivered or someone will turn up to install, service, or repair something. If something goes awry it is essential that you proactively let customers know before they encounter the problem.

4 business leaders on the value of a People-First strategy

The modern workplace is undergoing a cultural shift that puts people first. Businesses are moving away from more traditional corporate values that focus on service delivery and revenue towards a more positive workplace culture where the human factor is a priority. The data shows that putting people first can have a significant and positive effect on client and employee retention by improving morale and building real relationships.

How To Understand Customer Touch Points And Their Impact

Jenny wakes up every morning at 8 am. While sipping her coffee, she opens up your company’s app to check the weather that day. Later, between work calls, Jenny checks your website on her laptop to see if it’s going to be windy in the afternoon – maybe it’s a good day for a bike ride? In the evening, while scrolling through Instagram, she sees your ad to subscribe to a new weather newsletter catered to cyclists.

What Is The Business Importance Of Customer Satisfaction

To nobody’s surprise, sturdy success starts with good foundations. While the building materials have changed drastically and improved remarkably over time, the foundation of any good business is ultimately the satisfaction of its customers. Arguably, it’s easy to overlook the importance of customer satisfaction when the issues aren’t obvious. Just like the wiring of a house, you expect it to be there and working perfectly.

12 Excellent Customer Service Phrases for Everyday Conversations

Your customer’s perception of you and your brand can be shaped in a single customer service interaction. So it pays to be careful with what you say and how you say it. One way to set the course of conversations in your favor is by using the right customer service phrases. Customer service phrases serve as ready-reckoners that you can use in your day-to-day interactions with customers.