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How to set meaningful and effective KPIs

Aside from an office dog, KPIs might just be the best thing you introduce to your company. After all, they give you the power to measure performance and ultimately improve. But, like an office dog, KPIs should be chosen carefully. Otherwise they can distract teams, damage morale, and generally cause chaos. To help you avoid the pitfalls and get the most from KPIs, here are some tips for setting them.

Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation: which is best for your team?

Motivation is obviously essential for your team’s performance and happiness. And if your company needs any kind of creativity to survive then a certain type of motivation is more effective (spoiler: it’s the intrinsic one). For this reason, most forward-thinking companies are moving away from traditional, extrinsic forms of motivation. But does this mean that "carrot and stick" is officially dead? Not quite.

New SQL databases integration - easily add metrics from MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redshift databases to your dashboard

For all the many, many tools and services your business might be using day-to-day, there’s a good chance your most important business metrics are stored in a humble database. First developed in the late 1970s, SQL databases remain the de facto medium for logging and storing important business information, from sign-ups to stock levels - important business information that would be useful to display on a TV dashboard if only there was an easy way to do so...