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Customer Service

A quick guide to enterprise sales (+ 4 tips to supercharge your strategy)

Enterprise sales is like running a marathon. Your focus isn’t on short-term wins—you’re playing the long game. And just like a marathon results in big physical and mental gains, enterprise sales results in significant revenue and increased opportunities for your business. That being said, you wouldn’t run a marathon without training first. You shouldn’t jump into enterprise sales unprepared, either.

A simple guide to customer perception (+ 4 actionable ways to improve it)

What do your customers think of your brand? How do they feel about the products and services you offer? If you’re unsure about the answers to these questions, you’re not alone. Customer perception is often difficult to understand because it’s subjective and varies from buyer to buyer. But this ambiguity doesn’t mean you should ignore your customers’ opinions.

3 ways healthtech startups are improving the patient experience

Never has the need for practical, accessible healthcare technology been more important. In the ongoing aftermath of COVID-19, healthtech startups around the world are rising to the occasion (and raising huge funding rounds) to help reimagine the healthcare industry.

Why the customer is not always right

“The customer is always right.” If you’ve ever worked a day in the service industry, you’ve seen this slogan plastered on a break room wall. The idea was coined by a turn-of-the-century retailer, and it’s so common that many businesses make it a mandate for their customer service teams. But, like any principle, “the customer is always right” shouldn’t be taken literally.

Creating your first app with Zendesk App Framework (ZAF)

On Thursday, August 12th, at 11:00 am CST, the Developer Community team shared the basics of the Zendesk Apps Framework and the journey from start to finish on creating your first app! They also covered topics such as how to use the ZCLI to scaffold up your first app, use the Javascript framework Next in your Zendesk app, and how to submit your app for review!

Digital-first customer service - it's good for customers and the bottom line

The way customers expect to interact with businesses has changed. Service has moved from customers calling at the first sign of trouble to wanting to communicate with businesses on more convenient digital channels they’re already using in their personal lives—email, live chat, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Customers also expect support to be available 24/7 via self-service and AI solutions such as chatbots.

Customer Service KPI Metrics: Everything You Need to Know in 2021, Explained

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a special set of metrics that help determine whether business is going in the right or wrong direction. At first glance, it seems that customer service KPI scores take a backseat to traditional business KPIs, like profits, costs and regional sales. However, key customer support metrics may paint a more complete picture of success for the long-term viability of a business.