Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Boosting Employee Productivity with flexible work weeks

The traditional weekly work schedule expects an employee to work for 5 days a week or under many cases, 6 days a week for a specific number of hours that are fixed differently by different organizations though a standard figure for the same generally stands at 8 Hours. Have you ever thought of reducing the working hours in order to get better output or this seems like a certain joke of sorts?

Productivity Monitoring Software Vs Time Tracking Tools

These days, organisations are constantly seeking ways to achieve more with less. To scale their operations and maximise efficiency, companies are exploring innovative tools and techniques to help manage their workforce. ‍ A key priority in this effort is tracking productivity, which can provide critical insights into how resources are utilised during the scaling process.

Mastering Change Management for Remote Teams: Comprehensive Strategies for Success

This blog post provides comprehensive strategies for mastering change management in remote teams and explains how Insightful's employee monitoring software can enhance these efforts, ensuring successful adaptation to evolving project requirements.