Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


From MVP to Production Ready With Serverless

Having been at startups my entire career, I’ve encountered the dichotomy between speed and scale when building software products.The usual attitude entrepreneurs take when building the first iterations of their products is “...we aren’t anywhere close to facing problems of scale, so let’s worry about that when we get there.” This first version of the software is built and shipped fast, and it’s only a matter of time before engineers realize that they simply don&#8217

Tackling remote workforce security challenges post-pandemic

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations are adopting or experimenting with new models of long-term remote work. For some, that means keeping their teams fully distributed. For others, it means giving employees more flexibility to work from home or even simply putting plans in place for the future. But this shift to remote work brings new challenges that both large enterprises and smaller organizations must face.

Mattermost plugins: The server side

In the first article in this series, we explained how to set up your developer environment to begin creating Mattermost plugins. In the second, we examined the structure of server-side and web app plugins and how to deploy them. Now, it’s time to dive deeper into the server side of the application, which is written in Golang.

What is Courier | 30 Second Pitch | CodeStory S4E13 | Troy Goode | Notifications | multi-channel

Courier is the fastest way to design your notifications once and deliver them through push notifications, direct messages like Slack and Facebook Messenger, SMS, and email–with a single Courier API rather than having to integrate each provider API separately.