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Fuel innovation without compromising security with Miro and AWS AppFabric

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, innovation is a key driver for success. Organizations are constantly seeking ways to foster creativity, streamline processes, and improve collaboration to develop and deliver products or services quickly and at scale. Visual workspaces have emerged as a powerful solution, facilitating communication and ideation across teams and departments.

6 activities and templates to unite your cross-functional team

We won’t sugarcoat it: cross-functional collaboration is hard. When you pull together people from disparate departments into one unit, it’s common to grapple with poor communication, mistrust, lack of alignment, and confusing team dynamics. As the leader or project manager, you have the daunting responsibility of getting everybody on the same page — and these cross-functional team building activities are a great place to start.

Catena-X Consortium uses Miro to help create transparency in the automotive industry

The digitalization of the automotive industry has created new opportunities to meet customer demands. And with the changing climate and geopolitical landscape, adaptability is more important than ever. But no singular automotive company can solve these challenges on its own. Catena-X is a collaborative effort involving stakeholders from automotive suppliers to recyclers.

ASOS uses Miro to align over 60 Agile teams and help improve its online shopping experience

ASOS is a London-based online global fashion destination that prides itself on empowering self-expression and giving its customers the confidence to be whoever they want to be. Since 2000, ASOS has created and curated fun, stylish, and versatile fashion for any occasion. To support the company mission to be “the world’s number one fashion destination for fashion-loving 20-somethings,” the product team is dedicated to creating a top-notch online shopping experience.

What's New: What we launched in July 2023

In July we released a host of updates to help you and your teams innovate from one visual workspace. This includes new product development features, dashboard user interface improvements, and a new way to connect Miro across your Google Workspace. We’ve also made a number of enhancements to accessibility such as the ability to add alt text to images and color contrast enhancements for improved visibility. Keep reading to get all the details!

How to ace stakeholder management (and deliver more winning projects)

Nailing Jell-O to a wall. Playing telephone… You’ve probably heard these sayings before. But if you’ve ever been tasked with leading stakeholder management for a project, you know those phrases are more than just funny idioms — in most cases, they adequately describe the headache-inducing process of managing your stakeholders.

Tips for collaborating at scale from The Gorilla Coach

Joel Bancroft-Connors has always had a vested interest in the technology and tools organizations use to effectively collaborate. He’s a certified scrum trainer, team coach, and consultant also known as The Gorilla Coach — a nickname born from his blog featuring his expertise in Agile. “I’m really focused on helping organizations to generate more sustainable business,” Bancroft-Connors said.

Protect your Miro data with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

As more enterprise organizations embrace remote and hybrid work and bring together employees and external partners spread around the globe, they are faced with new challenges to ensure their sensitive data stays safe. This includes data from Miro, a visual workspace for innovation that enables distributed teams of any size to build the next big thing. But with 40% of full-time employees working from home at least part of the time, there is greater risk.

Why thought diversity is important for agile teams

Diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams. And when we say “diverse” we mean teams with different characteristics or traits, such as professional experience, life experience, identities, roles, etc. These individual differences create diversity of thought. That might feel like an overstatement or a broad generalization, but there’s plenty of research that backs it up. Diverse groups are better at: With such clear benefits, thought diversity offers a boost to any type of team.

The future requires new skills: Get your organization ready with learning and development

I’ve built my 20-plus-year career through continuous learning. I’m intensely curious about people and technology, and the way people experience technology and the world around them. This curiosity has fueled a learner’s mindset that urges me to always want to know what’s next.