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How to Write a Strategic Plan and What it Should Include

As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Whether you’re a lumberjack or not, there’s a powerful truth to Lincoln’s wise words. And that’s the importance of planning. Coming up with a solid strategic plan is a crucial aspect of any business. How can you expect to achieve your objectives if you don’t know what you’re aiming for?

What makes a successful agile team in a hybrid world

To meet the challenges of the future, businesses have to stay agile. Perhaps it’s unsurprising, then, that in 2020—one of the most challenging years on record—businesses with agile practices outperformed non-agile teams on almost every dimension that matters. Agile organizations saw greater customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational performance than their competitors.

What we launched in June 2022

Our mission to empower teams to unlock new ways of collaborating motivates us every day to invent powerful-yet-simple tools. This month, we released features and updates to help you keep your projects on track and your workflows united, with fresh frameworks, a new shape pack, improved integrations, and more. To see how Miro’s newest innovations can help your team work better together, check out our roundup of releases from June.

Hybrid is breeding a divided workforce-stay connected with a shared digital workspace

As we shift into a new world of hybrid work another glaring trend is emerging: the workforce is more divided than ever. Today, people work in silos, ideas get lost in separate tools, and isolated teams lead to disengagement, work waste, and slowed progress. Among employees who self-identify as disengaged, 75% are actively looking for new work. The reality is, we have a digital economy, which requires a new way of working that is digital first, multi-team and multi-location.

3 benefits of Miro's powerful Jira integration

Product development teams are constantly looking for ways to focus their time and energy on building products and reducing time spent on alignment and documentation. But oftentimes it’s too easy for complexity and tool overload to get in the way of progress – driving decreased product quality, disconnection, and delayed time-to-market. That’s why it’s so important for teams to use tools that unlock free-flowing creativity and innovation instead of inhibiting it.

What is the Strategic Management Process? + How to Get Started

Every business needs to grow and adapt to its surroundings. If it doesn’t, chances are it won’t succeed — especially if competitors are taking steps to develop in the marketplace. Simply put, if your business doesn’t change to keep up with customer demands, it might not survive. This is where an innovation process can help. With a solid innovation process in place, your business can find the best avenue of growth.

What we launched in May 2022

May was a future-looking month of innovation for Miro, with a slate of newly released product updates, making diagrams more robust and stylish and workflows more secure and streamlined. At Miro Next, our virtual conference, we unveiled a new platform and variety of new features and integrations designed to help organizations unlock new ways of collaborating and innovating, pushing beyond the boundaries of a typical digital whiteboard.

How to manage the innovation process with your team

Every business needs to grow and adapt to its surroundings. If it doesn’t, chances are it won’t succeed — especially if competitors are taking steps to develop in the marketplace. Simply put, if your business doesn’t change to keep up with customer demands, it might not survive. This is where an innovation process can help. With a solid innovation process in place, your business can find the best avenue of growth.

How to create a successful business innovation strategy

The phrase ‘business innovation’ is thrown around a lot. So much so that it’s become a bit of a buzzword. But there’s a reason it’s such a well-used term. Businesses need innovation to survive. It’s as simple as that. Without it, you risk falling behind in the marketplace and losing business to competitors. And if you don’t turn things around, you’ll eventually be out of business.