How To Get A Slack Discovery API Token | Discovery API Docs | Slack

How To Get A Slack Discovery API Token | Discovery API Docs | Slack

Nov 12, 2021

This video takes a developer through OAuth and token creation, in order to start using the Discovery APIs.

In this video, we will request the chat:write bot scope, and the discovery:write and discovery:read user scopes. Since the bot scopes need to be installed at the workspace level, and the discovery scopes need to be installed at the organization level, we will need to make two separate requests.

By the end of the video, you will have a discovery level token, which will open up the doors to Slack’s Discovery API methods. The video assumes you’ve already created an app on and have requested Discovery scopes for your app via the Slack team.

The documentation covered in the video can be found at:

And for more details on the OAuth process, please view: