The Future Workforce with Dan Schawbel - Safeguards, Skillsets, and the New Job Landscape

The Future Workforce with Dan Schawbel - Safeguards, Skillsets, and the New Job Landscape

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Join Dan Schawbel in "The Future Workforce," as he unpacks AI's potential and pitfalls.

We delve into the necessity of a safety net and targeted training in the age of automation, inviting economists to weigh in on the most vulnerable occupations. Dan also proactively explores the emergence of new jobs and the subsequent training required. Discover strategies to navigate and succeed in a future labor market reshaped by technology.

Subscribe to stay informed about this exciting and enlightening conversation.

Join Liam Martin, the host of The Future Workforce Podcast, for engaging discussions and insider insights on the ever-evolving landscape of work.

Each episode features industry titans and visionaries, sharing their unique perspectives on topics ranging from technological advancements to shifting workforce demographics.

With this podcast, you'll be equipped with the knowledge you need to navigate and succeed in the future of work.

Tune in to stay ahead of the curve and gain valuable insights.