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Time Doctor

5 Free and Easy to Use Hourly Schedule Templates

An hourly schedule template helps your employees become more organized and efficient while performing their duties. With the help of an hourly schedule template, you can keep track of what tasks an employee works on and how much time they take to finish it. In this article, we’ll share five downloadable hourly schedule templates and discuss the pros and cons of using them. We’ll also explore a much better way to track your employee hours more precisely.

16 Virtual Meetings Best Practices for 2022

The pandemic and the subsequent remote and hybrid work transitions have made virtual meetings the norm for several companies. But conducting a successful remote meeting over tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams is no simple task. Organizers must deal with myriad challenges to host a successful virtual meeting. Don’t worry. We have got you covered. In this article, we will highlight 16 virtual meetings best practices so that you can make sure your remote meetings are a sure-fire success.

What is Asynchronous Collaboration? (Best Practices & Tools)

Remote work has been the norm since the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, employees experience burnout symptoms more often with the constant meetings and notifications that come with synchronous work. Fortunately, asynchronous collaboration makes it very easy to regulate your office hours and work according to employees’ capacity. You can practice effective asynchronous communication with your team to overcome time zone and distance barriers. But what exactly is async collaboration?

12 Must-Know Pros and Cons of Remote Working

With the world moving into another phase of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of companies are joining the remote work revolution. From flexible schedules to access to a broader talent pool, remote working offers several benefits to employees and employers alike. However, it also comes with particular challenges like decreased collaboration, employee isolation, etc. In this article, we’ll look at 12 pros and cons of remote working.

How To Make Virtual Meetings Fun and Interactive in 2022

Virtual meetings are essential for the smooth functioning of your businesses. But keeping your employees engaged throughout the meeting can be challenging. They may get restless if the meeting runs too long or if the discussion gets repetitive. However, there are some simple ways to transform your online meeting into fun virtual gatherings! In this article, we’ll give you some amazing tips on how to make virtual meetings fun and boost employee engagement in 2022.

8 Steps for Successful Remote Onboarding for New Hires (+ FAQs)

Employee onboarding has clear objectives: help employees build relationships, understand work expectations, and accustom them to the company culture. However, achieving these goals can be challenging during remote onboarding since you can’t have in-person interactions with your employees. But the process is here to stay! With the surge in remote work during the pandemic, businesses are noting how strategic remote onboarding can increase employee engagement and retention.

How to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Effective

Effective virtual meetings have become indispensable to business success as an increasing number of companies adopt digital initiatives and remote work models — thanks to the pandemic. So, you need to take a closer look at the various aspects of virtual meetings to inspire great work and deliver excellent services in 2022. In this article, we’ll highlight the top four benefits of virtual meetings and the six best practices to follow while hosting a virtual meeting.

How to Create a Successful Weekly Work Plan (Tips, Templates)

A weekly work plan is a clearly thought-out map of all that you need to accomplish at work during a week. With hectic and demanding work lives, introducing such a simple practice into your process can significantly improve your efficiency and productivity. In this article, we’ll explore eight handy tips for a successful weekly work plan and provide a great template that you can use.

What is Asynchronous Work? (Pros, Cons, Best Practices)

Asynchronous (async) work is an arrangement where employees can work individually whenever they like. Many companies have adopted this work system due to its ease of functioning and better employee satisfaction. However, to get the maximum benefit out of working async, you need to understand how to implement it successfully. In this article, we’ll discuss what asynchronous work is, its benefits, and its drawbacks.