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How to Change Name on Zoom Before Meeting (Step-by-Step)

Zoom Meetings – one of the platform’s most popular products – offers powerful audio and video conferencing features that help teams collaborate over virtual meetings. If you use Zoom meetings for both personal and professional meetings, you may need to set different display names for each at times. So, how to change name on Zoom before meeting? Thankfully, Zoom lets an attendee easily change the display names before or during a meeting.

Top 15 Call Center Recording Software (Features, Pricing)

Call center recording software captures the audio and video activity between an agent and a customer during a call. It also lets you store, retrieve, and evaluate recorded calls according to your business needs. However, there are many call center recording tools in the market, and you need to choose one that suits your business interests perfectly. In this article, we’ll highlight the top 15 call center recording software for 2022, including their key features, pricing, and customer ratings.

11 Pro Tips For Effectively Managing Distributed Teams

Distributed teams consist of employees working remotely from different locations. And with the pandemic confining millions of employees to their homes, organizations have been compelled to embrace this work model. However, remote work is still vulnerable to cultural differences, social inclusion, and a lack of trust and communication between team members. Indeed, managing distributed teams is a pressing concern for remote managers. But, don’t worry! We’re here to help you out.

Employee Engagement: How to Actually Measure and Increase It

Employee engagement is a metric that shows an employee’s commitment to their workplace and their motivation to work. High employee engagement can improve employee performance, productivity, customer experience, and more. In this article, we’ll cover the benefits of high employee engagement, its driving factors, and the teams responsible for managing it. We’ll also discuss the different surveys to measure employee engagement and steps to create an action plan.

Remote Work Stipend (Meaning, Setting Up, Benefits)

Thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, people across the globe today have warmed up to the idea of remote working and even prefer it over traditional offices. That’s why employers should seriously think about remote work stipends. Remote work stipends are fixed or varying amounts of money paid to a remote employee in addition to their basic salary for their home office setup, coworking space expenses, or paying electricity bills. These stipends are generally optional for employers.

How to Extend Zoom Meeting Time (Step-by-Step Guide + FAQs)

Zoom Meetings is a popular video and audio conferencing software that helps teams and clients from across the globe connect through online meetings. However, a Zoom meeting has a 40 minute time limit in the free plan. Wondering how to extend Zoom meeting time? In this article, we’ll explain some workaround for the time limit in Zoom’s free plan. We’ll then look into eight frequently asked questions about Zoom and explore the best three alternatives to Zoom.

10 Critical Lessons Learned From Working From Home Experiment

Even though remote work isn’t a new idea, it’s something that most people had little experience with before 2020. Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, only 6% of the workforce worked from home the majority of the time. And a staggering 75% never worked from home at any point in their careers. But by the height of the pandemic, more than a third of people were working from home full-time. That represents more than a fivefold increase compared to pre-pandemic levels.

30 Amazing Remote Work Articles You'll Want to Bookmark

The Covid pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns pushed businesses worldwide to adopt remote working almost overnight. Since then, the remote work or telework scenario has evolved to include new trends in remote team management, technology, and the hybrid work environment. These dynamic changes can be tough to keep up with, even for the best business leaders. Thankfully, there are many remote work articles that can help you understand all aspects of remote work.

30+ Must-Read Call Center Articles To Add To Your Playbook

The call center industry is a rewarding one, but it’s also highly competitive. While there are a lot of resources available online to help you start and manage your call center, handpicking information that you really need can take ages. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours rummaging through the internet for call center information! We’ve compiled a list of the best call center articles to save you time.

20+ Employee Monitoring Articles You'll Want to Bookmark

Employee monitoring can be a sensitive subject. The idea of being monitored isn’t exactly comforting, even when implemented for the right reasons. That’s why employers and employees need to have an excellent understanding of this practice. We’ve compiled a list of 22 comprehensive employee monitoring articles that answer why employee monitoring is important, what rules you should keep in mind, the best software to use, and a lot more.