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Why intranets fail reason #7: Insufficient analytics hinder actionable insights

Intranet analytics aren’t just numbers — they’re the vital signs of your platform’s health. A thriving intranet keeps employees connected, informed and engaged, making it central to the digital workplace. But getting it there requires more than simply setting up an intranet and hoping employees use it. For intranet program managers, the challenge lies in understanding what’s working, what’s not, and how to make improvements that truly matter to employees.

Impact of effective intranets in the software industry: Key research findings

Our latest research shows that the right intranet is key to keeping software industry employees engaged, informed and aligned. As technology forerunners, it’s no surprise that intranet program leaders in the software sector are ahead of the curve in implementing new employee experience solutions. But our other findings might make you rethink your intranet strategy.

Redefining L&D for Global Workforces with Sarah Lovelace, VP of People at Airbase

This episode features an interview with Sarah Lovelace, Vice President of People at Airbase. In this episode, Shawn sits down with Sarah to discuss adapting leadership to different organizational stages, realistic and meaningful leadership development programs, and challenges and trends in global workforce management.

Bringing a human-centric approach to the 'Great DEX-pansion'

Where is digital employee experience (DEX) headed in 2025? Andrew Hewitt, Principal Analyst at Forrester, shares some very interesting themes in his recent blog post, “The Great DEX-pansion Of 2025.” Andrew takes a look at the evolving landscape of digital employee experience and predicts significant changes ahead.

Why intranets fail reason #6: Content is outdated and irrelevant

Ever opened your intranet only to feel like you’re stepping into a time capsule? Old, irrelevant content has piled up, and now the platform you hoped would be a digital hub of collaboration and connection feels more like an abandoned storage room. And here’s the reality: once employees lose faith in the intranet, it’s hard to get them back. AI-powered content moderation for intranets can clear the clutter so your platform remains a go-to destination.

Relentless Forward Progress: Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders with Brady Pyle

This episode features an interview with Brady Pyle, Chief HR & Inclusion Officer at Space Center Houston. In this episode, Shawn and Brady discuss how space exploration's unique challenges shape forward-thinking organizational strategies, strategies for cultivating internal talent and establishing robust leadership pipelines, and utilizing AI in leadership and employee development.

Why intranets fail reason #5: Platforms have inadequate AI functionality

Too many company intranets are outdated, sluggish and disconnected from the needs of employees. It’s a common issue that leads to disengaged teams and lost productivity. Intranets with robust AI functionality can help solve these challenges. Without the right AI tools, your intranet might be stuck in the past, unable to deliver the experience today’s employees expect and deserve.

Why intranets fail reason #4: Inferior UI frustrates employees

Many organizations overlook the critical role that a well-designed user interface (UI) and ease of navigation play in the success of their intranet. Employees are accustomed to consumer-grade digital experiences in their personal lives, but the gap between personal and workplace technology has never been wider. This disconnect could be silently disengaging your workforce, lowering productivity, and damaging employee well-being.

Simpplr's newest product features and updates: Engage employees with unified Recognition and Rewards, personalized newsletters, and more

From unified Recognition and Rewards to employee newsletters with built-in survey promotion and segment-based branding — here’s what you need to know about Simpplr’s latest product releases to deepen employee engagement.

From assembly line to AI: Upgrade intranet tech to connect frontline manufacturing workers

Artificial intelligence in manufacturing tends to conjure up ideas of predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization or quality control. All are true, of course, but as a data specialist, I view these more as outcomes. What drives these outcomes is an underlying AI-powered employee experience technology that delivers greater employee engagement, a single source of truth, and best-in-class internal communications — all of which empower your people to excel in all they do.