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7 steps to conduct a competitive market analysis

The term “competitive market analysis” may sound like something reserved for the C-suite of Fortune 500 companies, but it can be incredibly valuable to any business. Because no matter what industry you’re in, you’ll always deal with competition. To stand out, you must identify what your competitors are doing and compare your current practices against theirs. This is exactly what a competitive market analysis is most often used for.

How to hold a strategic planning meeting: A simple, step-by-step guide for facilitators

If you’re running or facilitating a strategic planning meeting, there are many factors to consider. It’s much more than just bringing everyone together to have an open discussion — and it doesn’t just happen on its own, either. There are several steps you can take to ensure that your strategic planning meeting runs smoothly, but it all starts with preparation. Today, we’ll explore a few ideas to help you hold a successful session, starting with the basics.

Managing hypergrowth with distributed front end teams

There’s a lot more to Miro than just our boards. Watch our Enterprise and Platform teams discuss how we navigated hypergrowth (scaling from 80 to 300+ engineers in less than two years) by adapting our frontend stack and engineering practices. You’ll gain insights into how we deal with changes that span multiple teams, the internal tooling we revamped to support our engineering growth, and our path to making our platform more accessible.

How design teams redefined collaboration using Miro

New collaborative tools have sprung up in the last two years — and innovative companies and organizations are choosing Miro. Watch product and design experts from Miro, Shopify, Stack Overflow, Founders Factory Africa discuss how they use Miro to navigate remote and hybrid work environments, and to drive collaboration across distributed teams. The highlights include: Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform for modern work, helping collocated, distributed, and remote teams work wherever and whenever.

Company-wide visual collaboration: Why Typeform switched to Miro

For growing SaaS companies, having the right tools in place that allow the business to scale is critical. No one knows this better than Kelvin Ong, Strategy and Organizations Specialist at Typeform. Typeform is a global SaaS company that sets the gold standard in online interactions for forms, quizzes, surveys, and more, and has been growing swiftly to meet rising customer demand. In fact, Typeform doubled its headcount over the last year.

How to facilitate an OKR planning workshop

Suppose you work for an organization or corporation. At least once in your professional life, you might experience a lack of leadership or direction (unless you’re very lucky). The problem with a lack of guidance is that when we can’t see the big picture or understand the value of our work, we feel demotivated, frustrated, and eventually leave.

How to run a Project Kickoff Meeting

How do ideas turn into actions? We often believe when people have brilliant ideas, it is as if a lightning bolt struck them somehow. This romanticized image of innovation couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reality is that innovative ideas come from collaboration, a key factor to manage any project successfully. Think about how Steve Jobs started Apple, now one of the biggest tech companies globally, with Steve Wozniak as a partner. Or, moving away from tech, how two scientists, Dr.