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Your guide to understanding (and improving) organizational efficiency

There’s a difference between getting the work done and getting the work done well. As a leader, you’re likely most focused on the second part. You don’t just want to get random tasks across the finish line at any cost — you want to maximize your team’s resources and deliver high-quality work that makes a meaningful impact on your organization. Whether you use the academic term to describe it or not, what you’re working toward is better organizational efficiency.

Learn to make a diagram: 8 common pitfalls to avoid

Figuring out how to make a diagram seems easy enough. You draw shapes, use lines and arrows to connect them when necessary, and then add labels. Not so bad, right? But creating an effective diagram — one that clearly represents your information — involves more than doodling. Here are eight common diagramming mistakes to avoid (and why it’s worth your effort to get these visual aids right).

Mastering PI Planning in Miro: A Quick Guide for Agile Teams

Embrace the power of Agile methodology with our expert guide to PI Planning in Miro! This video is tailor-made for Agile teams looking to enhance their Program Increment (PI) planning process. We'll take you through using Miro as a dynamic tool for effective PI Planning, ensuring that your team can collaborate, plan, and execute with maximum efficiency.

What's New: What we launched in February 2024

This month we’re excited to announce a variety of releases that will accelerate your work in Miro. Say goodbye to manually styling your content — to complement last month’s Brand Center release, you can apply brand styles to diagramming shapes, too. If you’re a fan of Talktrack, be sure to check out new Talktrack reactions, which let viewers provide instant feedback to a recording with emojis.

Unlocking clarity: Mastering flow diagrams for complex process improvement

If your PB&J bread keeps getting soggy from the jelly, slather peanut butter on each slice and then put the jelly in the middle. That’s process improvement in its simplest form: You identified the existing order and found a way to make it better. Easy enough, right? But workflow optimization becomes a lot trickier when you’re dealing with a complex process.

New "How I do it in Miro" video uplevels your user research process

Whether you’re new to Miro or a seasoned pro, it’s likely there’s more for you to discover to get the most out of the visual innovation workspace. There’s always Miro Academy, where you can take free courses and attend live training. But what if you want to learn — fast — how you can use Miro for your specific job?

Don't let ideas die post-retro: 5 ways to make retrospectives more actionable

The retrospective is a familiar end-of-cycle exercise for product development teams who follow Agile methodology. Done right, it can be a highly impactful process with the potential to improve how teams collaborate, function, and innovate. But all too often, teams skip this critical step of reflection in favor of moving on to the next “big” thing.

Unleashing innovation in the workplace through generative AI and the creative power within you

From coding a website from scratch (ChatGPT) to synthesizing insights with just a click (Miro Assist), generative AI can generate novel content and perform tasks that traditionally only humans could perform, e.g. coding, drawing, writing, etc. As generative AI democratizes access to information globally, it amplifies the quality and scale of creative outputs while reducing the cost of creation. Despite its benefits, generative AI is not without its challenges, including.

How to align your organizational structure with your company goals

You know your company’s vision and goals — and you have all of the ambition and enthusiasm you need to make them a reality. But do you have the right people? Goals are nothing but a pipe dream if your organization doesn’t have the right skills, knowledge, and capacity to take action on them. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of companies fall short, with 90% of organizations failing to execute their strategies successfully. Why?