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Remote Work

Preparing the Remote Work Mindset for Future Disruption

Facing accelerating changes and future disruptions? Dive into strategies to fortify your remote work culture through upskilling, embracing automation, and adopting agile practices. Equip your team for success with the tools needed for remote work. Prepare for what lies ahead and act now to future-proof your workforce!

Navigating Capacity Planning in a Remote World: A Data-Driven Approach

Uncover the hidden challenges remote work poses to capacity planning and unveil strategies to optimize your approach using data-driven solutions, fostering a balanced and efficient work environment. Discover how Insightful solves the problem of how to measure employee capacity.

Understanding and Fixing the Skills Gap Between Remote Work and In-presence Work. Are the Skill Sets the Same?

Remote work, that little accommodation everyone is after right now and for a good reason, is becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays, companies are more than ever exploring remote work options due to the financial, environmental, and health benefits of remote work. Remote work is here to stay, and remote workers need the right skills to succeed. But, what makes a remote worker successful? Is it the ability to work independently? Being able to stay organized and on task? Or is it something else entirely?

Mastering Remote Work: The Essential Guide to Weekly Planning

Remote work has reshaped how businesses function. Uncover strategies for effective weekly planning and how how to track remote workers with tools like Insightful, that empower managers in tracking remote workers' productivity. Delve deeper into optimizing your remote teams and harnessing the best remote tracking software available.

HR Best Practices for Encouraging Personal Growth in the Remote Workplace

Employees who feel supported, challenged, and empowered to grow in their personal and professional lives have a greater sense of engagement with their work. But how can employers ensure personal growth for their remote workforce? HR best practices such as providing feedback, offering development opportunities, and encouraging collaboration can help cultivate a culture of personal growth in the remote workplace.

How Basecamp Became a 100% Remote Company

It’s been more than three years since we closed our office in Chicago, and since many companies are still trying to figure out what to do about their office space, we thought we’d share our story. Moving is never fun. It’s bad enough when it’s your stuff, but ten years of stuff makes it even worse. As folks outside of Basecamp learned of our impending office closure, I began to get some questions. The most common being “what did you do with the stuff?

Remote Work Pain Points: Converting Challenges Into Opportunities

In the era of remote work, automation has become a blessing and a challenge. On the one hand, it gives smooth teamwork and communication but on the other hand, it introduces us to a bunch of distinctive remote work pain points that we can’t ignore. These challenges can sometimes lead to a great loss but their one productive way to fight these consequences is with the help of the tactical execution of remote work monitoring software. Take a Free Trial.

Work From Home Fails: Challenges And How To Deal With It

Working from home can be a good choice for many employees, as it provides flexibility and work-life balance. Although, there are some consequences and work-from-home fails that employees may face due to a lack of effective teamwork. From Employees to managers, everybody is facing the circumstances of Working from home as there is a lack of team management and analysis of work, and it is difficult for managers also to track the overall reports of employees.

How Remote Workers Spend Their Time (and What We Can Learn from It)

This blog post unravels the truths about how remote workers spend their time, differentiating myths from reality. From leveraging breaks to establishing effective work habits, learn how remote working is redefining productivity and how Insightful’s work remotely software can support your business.