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The Real Value of Your Roadmap Is its Flexibility

Product roadmapping is awesome. That’s a fact, and it’s not up for debate. Also, saying that is a super sophisticated way to start a blog post. Roadmapping gives you a chance to visualize your product strategy, see how all the important pieces fit together, and tap into the knowledge of the stakeholders you share it with — who might spot a strategic oversight or timeline conflict that you missed.

17 Best Software for Work Management in 2023

Want to know about the best applications for product managers in 2023? In this blog, we’re sharing our top picks for the best software for product managers, so that you can take on your project with confidence. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started with project management software, or an experienced professional who wants to improve your workflow, these tools will help you get ahead of the curve.

9 Top Tools for Product Managers In 2023

As a product manager, you’re constantly faced with new challenges and opportunities. To stay ahead of the curve and make sure that you’re taking the best advantage of all the tools at your disposal, it’s important to have a strong toolkit at your disposal. That’s where this blog comes in – to highlight the best tools for product managers in the market right now. From task management software to data management tools, we’ve got you covered.

Great products start with great product management

A properly developed and shared product roadmap can add massive value to an organization — and provide a big boost to the product’s chances for success. When built and shared the right way, a roadmap can align key participants across the company around a shared set of goals and plans. It can build stakeholder enthusiasm for the product. And it can help ensure everyone is steering in the same strategic direction. But roadmapping is a challenging process.

3 Ways the Wrong Roadmap Solution Costs You Time

If you’re like most Product Managers, chances are you’re spending far too much time tending to your product roadmaps. We’re not referring here to roadmapping in the strategic sense: reviewing your product roadmap, weighing priorities, making adjustments to timelines, updating strategic goals, discussing capacity levels with your teams, etc. That’s time well spent and there are no shortcuts for the decision-making that is exclusively yours.

The Product Manager's Guide to Preference Management for Notifications

Notifications are a crucial component of most products, but they come with a catch. None of us likes to be interrupted, yet we want to see new information — like direct messages, time-sensitive tasks, or attractive product updates — as soon as it’s available. How can you balance these two needs? It can be frustrating for users when a product or service doesn’t allow them to control their notification experience.

How Decoupling Notifications from Your Application's Code Empowers Product Managers

As a product manager, have you ever had to say no to improving your app’s notifications because of how complex the project seemed? If yes, you’re not alone. At Courier, we frequently see product teams deciding not to work on notifications. And PMs aren’t making that decision because a good notification experience is not important for their SaaS product or service — quite the opposite.

3 No-Bull$%&t Tips to Help Product Managers Improve Their Persuasion Skills

One reason product management is such a difficult profession is that you are responsible for the success of your products, but you don’t have authority over most of the people whose help you need to bring about that success. So it all comes down to your persuasion skills. To illustrate some of the challenges Product Managers face in persuading coworkers and decision-makers, try this hypothetical.

From Associate Product Manager to Chief Product Officer: A Quick Guide

First, congratulations. You’re investigating strategies to advance your career in product management, which means you’ve already found one of the most fulfilling and sought-after professions. Research cited by Career Karma found that the average product management professional rates their job satisfaction level at 3.7 out of 5 stars — “highly satisfied.” And Product Management made LinkedIn’s 2022 list of the Top 25 roles showing the most growth in demand.

How PMs Should Build a Great Product Notification Experience

Your product’s notification experience can make or break how your users perceive your application. That’s why getting the notification experience right should be at the forefront of product managers’ minds. But what, exactly, is a great notification experience for a mobile or web app? Here at Courier, we often hear this question from product managers.