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The Developer's Guide to Building Notification Systems: Routing and Preferences

Your CTO handed you a project to revamp or build your product’s notification system recently. You realized the complexity of this project around the same time as you discovered that there’s not a lot of information online on how to do it. Companies like LinkedIn, Uber, and Slack have large teams of over 25 employees working just on notifications, but smaller companies like yours don’t have that luxury. So how can you meet the same level of quality with a team of one?

The Developer's Guide to Building Notification Systems: Scalability and Reliability

Your CTO handed you a project to revamp or build your product’s notification system recently. You realized the complexity of this project around the same time as you discovered that there’s not a lot of information online on how to do it. Companies like LinkedIn, Uber, and Slack have large teams of over 25 employees working just on notifications, but smaller companies like yours don’t have that luxury. So how can you meet the same level of quality with a team of one?

The Developer's Guide to Building Notification Systems: User Requirements

So your CTO has just handed you a project to revamp or build your product’s notification system. It seemed like a simple and straightforward project, but you started doing research and realized that not only is the process pretty complicated, there’s not a lot of information online on how to do it. After all, companies like LinkedIn, Uber, and Slack have large teams of over 25 employees working just on notifications.

APIs Are The Prefabrication Of Software

Whether it’s for building a company, monitoring the news, or even making a grocery list, software penetrates every part of the modern western lifestyle. The demand for software far exceeds what developers (and the tech industry as a whole) are capable of supplying from scratch. In order to keep pace with demand, our industry has been increasingly shifting towards a ‘prefabrication’ model of software development via the utilization of third party APIs.

Why Student Engineers Should Buy Into the Hype Around Serverless

We recently had the opportunity to speak to a student audience at Serverless Days and came up with some insights that we felt were worth sharing with a wider audience. Please take a look and let us know your thoughts @trycourier. Serverless architecture is relatively new, yet many startup developers prefer building their foundation on a Serverless framework. But what's with the hype?

Why Remote Work is Not Here to Stay at Courier

We all spent a year getting used to remote work; now, the big question is how do we transition back to the in-person work pattern in a new world with Covid-19? Or should we transition back at all? In a study of workers by Buffer (both pre-pandemic remote workers and workers who became remote during the pandemic), 97.6% confirmed they would like to continue working remotely at least some of the time.

How to Set Up Multi-Channel Notifications in Your AWS Stack

How to Set Up Multi-Channel Notifications in Your AWS Stack In this article, we’ll walk through an example architecture for building your own notification service with AWS, and show you how to implement it in Node.js. We’ll also discuss a few considerations related to using AWS services for notifications. Let’s dive in!

Introducing Courier Inbox and Toast for Notifications That Don't Suck

We are excited to announce the availability of Courier’s newest provider, Courier Push! We have released Inbox and Toast, two open source React components that exemplify the potential future applications of this feature. With Toast, you can send your user a notification within your web application and Inbox allows you to create an embeddable notification repository so that your user can access all past in-app notifications.

How I used Unity and Courier to Create a Notification-based Game

Hello, world! I’m Matt Graber. I just finished my undergrad at the University of Maryland. I started my game development career back in freshman year in the UMD AR club. I used to teach other students how to create augmented and virtual reality experiences with Unity, a cross-platform game engine. I also enjoy informal game jams and larger projects in Unity with fellow developer friends. Recently, I won the sponsored prize at the Bitcamp hackathon for building Package Person