Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

May 2021

How a Tree Trimming Company uses OneDesk to manage their operations

Although large companies generally gain stability in surviving growing pains, they face different challenges in managing their work across a large workforce. It is normal to see such companies divided into different departments, which then are made up of smaller teams. These smaller teams may each have their own lead or manager or, as is often the case, they may share leads or managers with other teams.

Smart Rescheduling in OneDesk

OneDesk makes optimizing your project schedule easy with ‘smart rescheduling’. In only a few clicks, this powerful tool can optimize the work schedule of your projects, allowing you to save time and reduce the overall duration of your projects. Smart rescheduling will take into account the project’s start date, any finish-to-start links between tasks, and any date constraints you have set, unless you specify otherwise.