How To Grow Your Online Store with Great Reviews

How To Grow Your Online Store with Great Reviews

No reviews or negative reviews? Get the answer from Godard Abel, CEO and Co-founder of G2.

One of the first things customers look for before making a purchase is authentic reviews from fellow shoppers. In fact, about 95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase.

Customer reviews provide social proof, build credibility, influence consumer purchase decisions, and help boost online sales by 18%.

So how do you get more customers to review your product? Who better to ask than Godard Abel, the CEO of G2 — the largest and most trusted platform that helps 60 million people every year make smarter decisions based on authentic peer reviews.

Godard shares surefire strategies on how to:

  • Establish trust with customers
  • Encourage them to share reviews of your online store
  • Incentivise a customer-advocacy strategy

Learn more on how to ask (and get) good customer reviews, with FREE Templates:

To know more on how you can grow your online store faster, check out Freshmarketer for e-commerce: