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Identifying key roles and structure for software development teams

Between 2020 and 2021, poor-quality software cost U.S. businesses about $2.41 trillion. Why? Sometimes it comes down to software having a poor user experience, but more often it’s due to a lack of structure within software development teams. So how do you choose the right people for software development teams? And what development methodology should you use? We’ll show you the basics below.

7 KPIs to Improve Software Developers' Productivity

As a developer or software engineer, sometimes you might feel drained, lacking focus, and frustrated with your productivity. It’s common for many programmers because development is such a difficult process that requires strong focus and an unrelenting mind. Productive developers are those who produce quality work. They know what they’re good at and continue to do that. Which company doesn’t want that? To say that developer productivity is an easy topic would be a lie.

7 powerful software development project management tools

A robust software development project management tool is a must for developer teams. Project managers are significantly helped by having a hub that connects everything related to their projects, like software requirements and upcoming tasks. Team members benefit by not having to bounce from one place to another trying to find a resource they need.

Website development in 7 simple steps

Need to create a new client website? We’ve got your back! First up, you’re going to want to check out our website project template. This template is designed specifically for website projects — and as such, it’s laid out to take you and your team through each step of the process. You can take a look at it here. Now that you have your project arranged, how do you go about actually developing your client’s website?

Developer Productivity Trends to Watch in 2023

It’s a new year and a new quarter – what better time to take a step back and think about the ways your team can collaborate more effectively and work more productively moving forward? Last month, we released the results of our annual developer productivity survey and our analysis of the trends and challenges that will shape the way developers and technical teams work in 2023. Read on to learn more about the developer productivity trends we think will make a big impact this year!

What's the biggest factor in developer productivity? | The December 2022 Build

The Build is a newsletter for software engineers dedicated to sharing useful technical content on effective development and collaboration techniques. In each release, we’ll share what we’re reading this month, open source projects we’re inspired by, and more news from the DevOps community. Read the December 2022 Build below, and subscribe to receive The Build every month right in your inbox.

The Teamwork guide to software development project management

No matter the size of your software development team, there are bound to be many moving parts with any new software project. The margin for error with a software development project is minuscule — even the smallest mistakes can cost your business a lot of money. More than ever, implementing project management into your software development process is key to getting everybody on the same page while minimizing errors and keeping projects on schedule.

'Digital by Default': A collaboration model for modern developers

When I joined Mattermost at the end of 2019, part of the allure was the unique experience of working at a 100% remote company. Little did I know that within three months, the whole world would lock down and countless companies became remote practically overnight.