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10 project management best practices you MUST know

There's a reason why project managers brood skepticism when you tell them you expect every step of your original project plan to be completed on time and within budget. Even if you follow all of the essential project management best practices, there's still the potential of something going off track. Projects are tough to finish and the PMI Pulse of the Profession survey highlights this challenge.

How to automate reporting with Teamwork and Unito using the Google Sheets Add-On

Reporting is one of the few tasks that touch every role and team in a business. Every single one of us owns, contributes to, or consumes reports—from project progress reports to budgets and everything in between. Because reporting is so ubiquitous, it tends to eat up a ton of resources. A recent Unito survey found that more than a third (37%) of workers spend at least three hours a week on reporting. That adds up quickly. At the same time, there’s no denying the impact of reporting.

9 surefire client retention strategies to keep clients happy

Whether it’s with a bell or a high-five, every business celebrates winning a new client. As for client retention, you typically don't see the same type of fireworks. But that doesn't mean client retention is any less valuable than earning new logos. In reality, several client services businesses will say retaining clients is one of the most essential aspects of growth and profitability. So, what makes up a good client retention rate?

How to manage ad-hoc requests from your clients without burning out

Tired of dealing with ad-hoc requests from clients and colleagues? We hear you and you’re definitely not alone. Heck, the average worker is interrupted up to 10 times per day. But consider that last-minute projects aren’t just annoying: they’re a net drag on your team. Constantly switching your attention between tasks is a recipe for poor productivity, not to mention burnout. The reality, though? Last-minute projects are unavoidable.

How to thoroughly document your project requirements

Crossed wires and miscommunication are often responsible for projects going off course. It's tough to relay every single detail to others, whether it's your internal team, a client, or even just for yourself. That's why we itemize our project requirements and plan ahead, right? It always sounds easier when we type it out. But we know when you stick to your project plans, everyone involved is more informed and tasks get completed in time.

A project manager's guide to portfolio management

Project portfolio management (PPM) is a means of strategically aligning project portfolios with business objectives. It makes it easier to identify the risk-reward per project or portfolio, forecast returns, and ultimately make smarter business decisions. In essence, portfolio management helps you diplomatically allocate and leverage resources to maximize benefits and outcomes. Sounds good on paper, but how does it affect project management, specifically?