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Teamwork named one of G2's best software solutions of 2022

Thanks to our amazing customers and their ongoing support for our platform, Teamwork has been named one of G2’s best software in 2022! We’re delighted to receive this honor and proud to provide all of our customers with the tools they need to run more efficient, organized, and profitable businesses.

How to run the perfect client presentation

Pitching your agency as the perfect fit during a client presentation is daunting. You have to remember product positioning, messaging, client goals, and most importantly, selling your service. Most of all, a client presentation must add value. The aim is for clients to envision what it’ll look like if they work with you and how you’ll help them reach their goals. The failure of most client presentations is how they land. Some are full of text-heavy slide decks. Yuck.

Freelancer project management: How to best manage external resources and deliverables

Hiring top-tier freelance talent can help you scale your agency quickly, so it’s no surprise the freelance market is booming. But hiring freelancers is so much more than assigning deadlines and expecting results. Freelance project management can be time-consuming and complicated, not to mention risky. If you want your freelancers to deliver consistent work that exceeds your clients’ expectations, you need to put your freelancer project management process under the microscope.

Process documentation 101: What is it, the benefits, and how to start

What does the disintegration of a $193 million satellite and your company’s last failed project have in common? If we had to guess, the answer is a failure within process documentation. Your business isn’t going to accidentally destroy a satellite – we hope – because you failed to specify whether measurements were in the metric system. No, seriously – that happened.

The definitive guide to website project management

Website projects can flourish or flounder, depending on how effectively they are managed. Proper project management (supported by the right website project management software) can keep things running smoothly. At the same time, an absence of due processes can be a recipe for 404s, buggy designs, unhappy clients, and just about every other type of gremlin imaginable. This ultimate guide will walk you through how to specifically plan and manage website projects.

How to craft a work plan to guarantee project success

“What are you working on?” Wait, what happened with our budget? Why’s this late again?” Sound familiar? Most of the time, poor planning is the root of your project management headaches. But if you stick to a work plan, the status of your projects doesn’t have to be a wild guess. This is especially true when you’re juggling multiple, long-term projects with a bunch of different stakeholders. Thing is, poor planning still ranks among the top challenges of PMs today.

Building a project management communication plan: What is it and why you need one

As a project manager, you’re constantly juggling responsibilities like keeping team members focused, creating achievable schedules, task management, project deadlines, wayward stakeholders, and not to mention the overall project management communication plans. Take a breath because it's a challenging role in any organization. Have you ever wondered what sets successful project managers apart from the rest? Are the best just really good at convincing team members to meet project deadlines?

The definitive guide to creative project management

Project management is the ultimate tool for disproving all the worst stereotypes about creative teams. It helps us to be immaculately organized. It makes our work more quantifiable. The reality is that many creative people are great organizers and communicators and can work in simpatico with non-creative clients. But project management goes further by systemically enabling a clear and organized approach to work.

How to manage scope creep with better project management

Scope creep: It’s an ever-present threat for project teams, a bogeyman lurking behind every decision, threatening to delay or even derail your current project. For project managers, scope creep is especially frustrating. It almost always seems to be due to someone else’s decision — one that’s outside of your control or that you don’t even know about until it’s too late. Yet it’s you, the project manager, that usually gets blamed for any project delays.

13 Slack project management integrations that optimize agency productivity

At its simplest, Slack is a channel-based chat tool that many agencies and client services teams use to discuss issues in real-time. Instead of relying on buried email threads, phone calls, or carrier pigeons, Slack has become a popular tool for one-to-one business messaging, private group chat, voice and video calls, and inter-business collaboration via Slack Connect.