
Why use ephemeral messaging in the workplace?

Ephemeral messaging (the ability to set self-destructing messages that automatically disappear from recipients’ conversation histories), is a common feature across many consumer messaging apps. But what about its place in the enterprise? Wire has offered ephemeral messages (or timed messages as we like to call them) as a feature in its secure end-to-end encrypted service since 2016.

How to prove that you take client confidentiality seriously

Compromising client confidential information can result in the sort of reputational damage that’s hard to come back from. It’s the end of the month and you’ve been hustling to secure those big client orders before the quarter closes. Then your email pings and you see a new client contract ready to be passed to legal and signed! Great. It looks like you’ll hit your quota!

Wire's end-to-end encrypted bot API - tech talk at Bots Berlin #5

Wire’s vision is to shield people’s digital privacy. We’ve done this for 1:1 and group conversations by building the most feature rich, cross-device and secure messaging platform. Today, we’re announcing the launch of our end-to-end encrypted bot API to make the same secure platform available for developers.