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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

10 Key Project Management Knowledge Areas (PMBOK)

Project Management Knowledge Areas are the essential components of project management, which provide the basis for managing projects and achieving successful outcomes. A great starting point for project management knowledge is the PMBOK Guide. This article will review the ten recognized PMBOK knowledge areas and explain how they work together to form a project management system.

How To Increase Operational Efficiency For a Productive Output?

Companies who are interested in increasing their operational efficiency are aware of the direct effect it has on revenue, earnings, and levels of customer satisfaction. According to the findings of the Annual Global CEO research, 72% of 1,400 global CEOs said that to increase their revenue, they prioritize and rely on operational efficiency.

Everything You Need To Know About Corporate Event Planning

The time has come: you have been given the green light to organize a significant event for your company, one that will leave employees feeling motivated and energized. That’s fantastic! However, if event planning is not often part of your responsibilities, you might be finding yourself in a stressful situation.

Agile PMs Guide To Leads And Lags In Project Management

Leads and lags in project management are simpler concepts as compared to the other concepts in the market. But if you are just starting off, this might be very confusing for you, majorly when used as a network diagram, etc. The market requests and business needs are noticeably growing and expanded continuously over the decade. This growth is causing technological advancement in the industry.

5 Tips On Designing And Scheduling A Meeting Agenda With Project Management Software

When it comes to planning and scheduling meetings, most people rely on their intuition. However, this approach may not be the best way to go about things. In fact, using intuition alone can lead to disastrous consequences when it comes to meeting planning. That’s why it’s important to use an agenda planner or a project management software to help you with this task. Here are five tips on how to design and schedule a meeting agenda with these tools.

How To Make A Project List With nTask?

If you’re looking for a resource that will help you plan and execute your projects more efficiently, then you’ll want to check out nTask. This software can help you create a project list, keep track of deadlines, and track your progress. It’s easy to use and can be used on any computer, so you can take advantage of its benefits no matter where you are. Plus, it’s free to use! Let’s take a look at how to make a project list with nTask.

Top 5 Project Timeline Apps Of 2023

No matter what type of business you’re in – from construction to marketing – having a timeline can be essential for planning and managing your projects. In this article, we list five apps that can help you keep your timeline organized and on track. From project tracking to time-tracking, these apps are sure to help you stay on track and achieve your goals!

Best 8 Daily Checklist Apps For Busy Managers

Whether you’re a project manager leading a team or a freelancer working with a few clients, you will likely have tons of daily tasks, and keeping track of them is not easy, especially without using any daily checklist apps. That’s why the daily checklist apps exist. They help you keep up with your professional responsibilities. Powerful tools with many useful adds-on, these digital to-do list apps are super effective in time management.

Content marketing management: A complete guide for agencies

Content marketing is a powerful force for generating leads and growing revenue, so it’s no wonder that 97% of businesses with established marketing efforts are also engaged in content marketing. Still, it’s one thing to do content marketing. It’s another to truly succeed with it. Many creative agencies are already engaged in content marketing, but their efforts aren’t as organized as they might like.

The Teamwork guide to software development project management

No matter the size of your software development team, there are bound to be many moving parts with any new software project. The margin for error with a software development project is minuscule — even the smallest mistakes can cost your business a lot of money. More than ever, implementing project management into your software development process is key to getting everybody on the same page while minimizing errors and keeping projects on schedule.