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OneDesk - Getting Started: Project Management

With OneDesk’s Project Management features, you can optimize your team management, project management, and portfolio management. You can also plan and schedule projects, and more. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Sharing with Customers & Customer Organizations

You can share tickets, tasks and other items with your customers, keeping them informed and allowing you to collaborate with them on their requests. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Communicating with Customers & Customer Organizations

In OneDesk, you don’t need to care about how a customer is getting your message, OneDesk takes care of that for you. Whether your customer is using the customer apps, email, or live chat, your messages get delivered to them with any attachments, images, or links included. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Communicating With Users & Teams

OneDesk lets you communicate with your users and teams in multiple ways to keep them updated about important information. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Saved Replies

OneDesk’s Saved Replies allow you to store pre-written responses to use in conversations. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Tracking Performance

OneDesk lets you track and monitor your workers’ performance and activities. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Chart Widget

OneDesk’s ticket and task applications include a helpful and visual chart widget at the top. This widget allows you to easily monitor who is working, on what, running timers, progress updates, and more. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Work Structure & Organization

OneDesk enables you to structure and organize your work with projects, portfolios, folders, and views. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk -Getting Started: Auto-Routing

OneDesk lets you create auto-routing rules to save you time. Use auto-routing to get your tickets and tasks to the right team member or into the right project. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

OneDesk - Getting Started: Reporting

OneDesk lets you create, save, and schedule custom reports about your work information in OneDesk. Use report creation to get updates about the information you care about sent directly to your inbox. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.