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Cyber attacks on SMBs are surging, will you be ready?

Wire is already a critical tool for government protection for key intelligence, sensitive communications, classified data, and a powerful shield against the constant threat of data breaches. Not only is it a prime insurer for governments, but Wire also acts as a major defense against cybercrime for SMBs.

New Wire Subscription Packages

Wire continues to provide teams with the most secure and user-friendly collaboration platform, including how teams can access our products and features. We’ve streamlined our subscription model to a simple tier system: Wire for Free, Wire for Enterprise, and Wire for Governments based on our users’ feedback. Wire will be retiring the old Wire Pro, Enterprise, and Red bundles.

Introducing new and improved calling buttons

At Wire, we constantly strive to provide the most advanced security and superior user experience. We understand how important it is to be efficient and productive, and how an intuitive design contributes to that. We are happy to introduce significant improvements to the buttons you see in Wire calls — making it easier for you to toggle mute, video and screen sharing during calls. In this article, you’ll read all about what changed and why we made these decisions.

The escalating threat of cybercrime: why it's time for a whole new security infrastructure

The global outbreak of Covid 19 and the resulting switch to online working and a new dependence on IT has seen cybercrime increase dramatically. According to research, UK businesses lost over £6.2 million to cyber scams this past year, with a 31 percent increase in the number of attacks during the height of the pandemic. Cybercrime will continue to damage businesses, institutions and governments unless a radical new approach to rebuilding security infrastructure is taken.

A Sit Down with Wire CEO: The Future of Secure Messaging

Encrypted communication and collaboration app Wire claim that it is“the most secure collaboration platform.” I had heard this before, many times in fact, but had never seen any proof of this notion. One of the ways the company does this is via encrypting every message sent and received, reducing the chances of a malicious intrusion.

Why We Need a New Security Infrastructure

The turbulence of the past year has shown how vulnerable international systems can be to cybercrime and malicious actors. According to reports, cyber attacks have increased by more than 150 percent across Germany since the outbreak of the pandemic. Among US colleagues, the number of leaked government data has even increased by 278 percent.

The three elements of a security-first architecture

The upheaval of this past year has revealed how vulnerable global systems are to cybercriminals and bad actors. Cyberattacks have surged, with a reported 400% increase in attacks since the pandemic, and a 278% increase in leaked U.S. government records. However, cyberattacks didn’t just increase in terms of volume, they also grew in scale, potency and wide impact, particularly in the public sector.

Introducing a new Team management console

With Fortune 500 companies and governmental institutions using Wire, we redesigned the Team management console to help Wire admins and owners manage their team to enterprise standards. We’ve been working with our customers to design features that give them the insight and tools their businesses need while keeping the simplicity that makes Wire so easy to use. We keep a clean and clear user interface, which is one of the reasons our customers love our product.

Fraudulent Use of Wire

Throughout the history of communication, fraud and scams have inherently been present. From phony telephone sales, pyramid schemes over ransomware, phishing emails to premium number fraud — criminals are as ingenious. The scale of the problem is not small — it’s a huge global issue. From the 32bn USD lost annually on telecom fraud or the 6tn USD problem that is cybersecurity; if there is a vulnerability it will be exploited.