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2023: The Year of Personalized Support

"Experience" has become the buzzword for quite some time now. We all think and talk about it, but it hardly ever changes anything. One reason for this is that the word "experience" (and Experience Management, for that matter) is a VERY broad term and can be leveraged for many different outcomes. However, we can take a narrow approach when it comes to service and support by focusing on just one aspect: personalized support.

Greg Sanker on HR and IT Collaboration to Improve Employee Experience

HR and IT collaboration may just be the answer to all of your employee experience problems. In a world where team members and companies alike are facing immense challenges with adapting and changing, IT solutions are what the HR department needs to enhance employee experience, and the people element is what the IT department lacks to create a holistic technology solution for everyone.

The ABC of Employee Offboarding Automation

Human Resources can automate several processes to improve employee experience and increase the department's efficiency. We already covered onboarding, and now it's time for employee offboarding automation. Though it might be a bit neglected, the offboarding process is as crucial as any other HR task, mostly for security and economic reasons. It helps you protect both your company's data and assets, especially in remote work environments.

Building a Help Desk From Scratch: Everything you Need to Take Into Account Before Starting

Support teams are used to receive requests of all kinds. When building a help desk from scratch, organizations use the 5-level structure to assign tickets according to the agents’ knowledge and expertise. This is a key step in order to properly solve problems as quickly as possible, and comply with SLAs. In , you can set up your structure to manage your agents’ labor by using help desks. You can organize them by labels and sub-labels, making it easy to scale tickets, if necessary.

Should I Outsource my IT? Pros, Cons, and Things to Consider

We are approaching the end of Q4 and it is time to defend the IT budget for next year. It is then that, as IT managers, we ask ourselves: wouldn't it be convenient to outsource IT? Of course, this is not a simple question to answer, mainly because we need to analyze multiple factors in order to find an answer that fits each organization. So, if you're looking for a yes or no answer, we're sorry to disappoint you.

Integrating Microsoft Teams with your Help Desk: How to Do It, and Why It's a Good Idea

Same as with an email ticketing system, integrating Microsoft Teams with your help desk is a way to use an established communication channel in your organization to your advantage. If your company has this software as part of its tech stack, your Support Team must be already receiving requests and issues through there. The thing is that, if left unattended, it becomes an informal communication channel.

HR Automation: Benefits, Challenges, and Examples

Human Resources is responsible for a variety of functions within an organization, from hiring and onboarding to benefits and payroll. And, as also happens with IT, there are several repetitive tasks within those responsibilities. That's why companies are leaning more and more into HR automation to put their teams' time to better use. This is nothing more than to use technology to streamline HR processes and improve efficiency. To do so, there is multiple HR automation software out there.

The World Cup in the home office era: how will it impact productivity?

Every 4 years, the World Cup poses the same challenge to companies and organizations: how to balance the interest in the most important event of the year with the needs of work itself? During Russia 2018, the World Cup entered the offices with the proliferation of streaming services, allowing everyone to access the matches anywhere, either from their mobile devices or work computers.