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How to create the best sales deck ever: Meaning and examples

If your sales pitch is expertly defined but you’re struggling to close the deal, you might need a sales deck makeover. A strong pitch with confusing or irrelevant support materials only leads to client confusion and plunging sales. Let’s fix that. In this piece, we’ll cover what is meant by a sales deck, its purpose, and how to make yours stand out.

Sales win rate: How to calculate and improve it

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are critical measures of performance for sales teams. They can evaluate the efficiency of a sales funnel, assess the effectiveness of outreach methods, and even identify the number of emails reps send out in a given week. But no KPI receives more attention than the sales win rate. Win rates reveal important details, including which sales tactics work best, which areas need improvement, and which products or services generate the most sales.

S&OP guide: Meaning, process, and purpose

Most businesses strategize sales through the eyes of the customer. What do customers want? How do we make customers happy? What are the best upsell strategies? These are all worthwhile questions—and the customer is certainly important—but no company can help their customers if they have internal issues in serious need of fixing. That’s where sales and operations planning (S&OP) comes in.

What is a sales qualified lead (SQL) and why is it important?

When it comes to sales, it’s easy to believe that no opportunity is a wasted opportunity. If you throw a product at enough people, someone is bound to buy it, right? Technically…yes. But say you spent money and effort to contact 100 random people about your product. Seventy-five of them aren’t in your target audience, 10 of the remaining 25 can’t afford your product, and 14 are happy with their current product from a competitor.

What are sales leads? (+5 lead generation tips)

Every salesperson is eager to hit their monthly quota—the more sales, the better. But the road to that finish line is reliant on a set of key players: sales leads. Before sales reps can meet their targets, they need a clear understanding of what a sales lead is and how a lead is different from a prospect. They must also be armed with proven lead generation strategies to get people on the path to becoming a customer. We’ve got you covered.

Keep companies competitive with a data-driven sales approach

When you think of sales analytics and metrics, do you only think of your company’s net gains and losses? If so, you’re not alone. Up to 73 percent of company data goes unused every year. 73 percent. That’s despite the fact that more and more companies are talking about big data and putting substantial amounts of money and manpower into capturing that data.

Sales prospecting 101: A beginner's guide

The term “prospecting” has its origins in the California Gold Rush. Forty-niners (named for the year these fortune seekers began to arrive in droves) would sift through rocks and dirt, keeping their eyes peeled for the shimmer of precious metals. Over 170 years later, most of the “prospectors” in San Francisco rely more on their laptops than on their pickaxes. But the sales prospecting methods they engage in today are still aimed at uncovering golden opportunities.

Sales script guide: Examples, benefits, and how to write one

We’ve all been the victim of a bad sales script. Whether in a cold call or a company follow-up, it’s painful to sit there while an uninformed sales rep fumbles their way through information you don’t need until you hang up out of mercy. Sales scripts have a bad reputation. But the fact is, a strong sales script can be a game-changer for your company and your sales team.

Sales growth rate: Calculation + growth strategies

There’s a lot of debate as to what makes a business “successful.” Is it money? Is it household-name branding? Is it longevity? All may seem like markers of a successful company to the general public. But what makes a business succcessful in the eyes of other businesses? A soaring sales growth rate.

5 sales trends to watch for 2022

We’re well into the final quarter of 2021, and that means it’s time for the fiscal year to wrap up, year-end statistics to flood in, and 2022 strategizing to begin. Just like last year, though, sales are in a unique place as buyers continue to work remotely, online sales increase, and the pandemic leaves companies on edge. Despite everything, your company’s goal for the coming year is probably the same as always: to grow and increase sales revenue.