Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

July 2024

The Lead Magnet That Pays for Itself w/ Chris DuBois

Is your agency leaving nearly 2/3rds of your new client acquisition up to chance? If so, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way. According to research from WordStream, 60% of most new agency clients are coming from a channel that you can’t directly control, let alone scale. That scary stat is exactly what today’s guest is helping agencies avoid by building a portfolio of offers you can use to drive more inbound leads and create a re-usable marketing asset that pays for itself.

An enhanced task details experience is coming soon to

We know change can be tricky—especially when you least expect it. That’s why we’re looking ahead to a good change (we promise!) to the platform that’s coming right around the corner. To cut right to the chase, we’ll be replacing the current task details page with an expanded view that includes a handy pop-out panel and a full-page experience.

8 features to roll out the EU Working Time Directive seamlessly

Behind every successful and profitable company is a clear understanding of how and where their time is being spent. It’s safe to say time is the heartbeat of what you do, and what we do at In 2019, the European Union (EU) introduced a directive requiring all employers within EU member states to implement time tracking systems for their employees. While full implementation of the directive is up to individual member states, we can definitely get on board with mandated time tracking!

The EU Working Time Directive: Everything you need to know

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance is more important than ever. When work consistently encroaches on personal time, it can take its toll on employees’ physical and mental health–not to mention its impact on business performance. A big part of achieving this balance is making sure people have enough time for leisure without having to work long hours.